The Working Family Payment
Thousands of families could be availing of a financial boost if they're working.
The Working Family Payment, previously known as Family Income Supplement, is a weekly tax-free payment for employees with children.
It supports people who are on low pay. Even more people will be eligible to receive the payment from January as they have increased their income threshold.
In the midst of the current cost of living crisis, every little helps.
Here's everything you need to know about the payment.
Who is eligible?
WFP is a tax-free weekly payment for employees who meet the following conditions:
- Work 38 or more hours per fortnight (in any combination of hours). You can combine your weekly hours with your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant's hours to meet this condition. You cannot use time spent in self-employment (or on Community Employment, Tús, JobBridge or the Rural Social Scheme) to meet this condition.
- Your job is likely to last at least 3 months
- You have at least one child who normally lives with you
- You earn less than the WFP income limit set for your family size
You must be employed, pay tax and PRSI in the Irish State. Under EU regulations you may be able to claim WFP if your children are living abroad and are dependent on you.
WFP is paid for one year as long as you meet the conditions. It does not change if your earnings from work go up or down during that year. After 52 weeks, you can apply again for WFP. Some changes to your situation can affect your WFP.
How much do I get paid?
The Department of Social Protection will assess your household income in a means test. It compares your total income to the WFP income limit for your family size.
If you earn less than the WFP income limit, you may get WFP.
Your WFP will be 60% of the difference between the WFP income limit for your family size and your assessable income. The combined income of a couple (who are married, in a civil partnership or cohabiting) is taken into account when calculating assessable income. For the information on the full WFP income limits, click here. They will increase by €40 from January.
How do I apply?
To apply fill in an application form for Working Family Payment. You can get a copy of this form in your Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office.
You can get help filling it in at an Intreo Centre, Social Welfare Branch Office or Citizens Information Centre.
To make sure that your application for WFP is processed as quickly as possible, you should send your most recent payslips with your application form.
You can apply for the Working Family Payment online at MyWelfare.ie if you have a MyGovID verified account.
You will need to provide your bank details and information about your (and your partner’s) income and most recent payslips. Original Article: https://bit.ly/3Vve4S8
For more information on the additional needs payment: https://www.jobalert.ie/blog/additional-needs-payment-to-help-with-added-expenses-even-if-work