17 Mar 2020

Be on call for Ireland: HSE is looking for healthcare & non healthcare pros


Thank you for your interest in supporting our health service during the Covid- 19 pandemic.

COVID-19 or coronavirus is here and every one of us is taking action to reduce the impact it has on our families and communities.

We’re washing our hands, we’re staying at home, we’re thinking of those who are most vulnerable.

And, in our health service, we’re preparing to care for the people who will be affected.

We are asking all healthcare professionals from all disciplines who are not already working in the public health service to register to be on call for Ireland.

We will be creating extra hospital and care beds and will need extra hands to provide the care that’s needed. We need your help to meet the challenge that’s ahead.

Maybe you aren’t a healthcare professional, maybe you’re studying to be one, or maybe you have other skills to offer or just want to volunteer to do your bit if needed.

Hopefully we won’t need to call, and if we do, we may not need every one of you. But knowing you are there if we do will make all the difference.

Your Questions

COVID-19 or coronavirus is here and every one of us is taking action to reduce the impact it has on our families and communities. In our health service, we’re preparing to care for the people who will be affected.

About this Sign-Up Process

Who are we asking to sign up to be on call?

We are asking all healthcare professionals from all disciplines who are not already working in the public health service to register to be on call for Ireland. This will be to work in existing or newly set up facilities, to provide, organise and support the care that’s needed.

What about non-healthcare professionals?

If you are a retired or a student healthcare professional student, we would still be interested in hearing from you. If you are not a healthcare professionals but you have other skills to offer, we are also interested in hearing from you.

Will everyone who applies be called?

Hopefully we won’t need to call, and if we do, we may not need every one of you. But knowing you are there if we do will make a difference. Read more about this process below.

The Roles

What types of roles will be available?

The types of roles will depend on the impact COVID-19 has on our staff and local health services. We are likely to recruit across most roles in the health services. We will be in touch with you if your skill area is relevant and needed in a particular location.

Where will the roles come up?

At the moment we do not know the locations where the roles will come up. The location of roles will be dependent on the impact COVID19 has on our healthcare staff and healthcare services.

Filling in the Online Form

I want to update my registration details, how do I that?

You received an email to thank you for your registration. You can update your details following the link on this email.

I cannot find my discipline on the web form, what should I do?

If you cannot find your specific discipline there is an option in the discipline drop down list named “other useful skill area”. You can choose this and then write in your specific skill area in the text box.

I did not attach a CV when I first registered, how do I do that now?

You received an email to thank you for your registration. You follow the link to update your details and can attach a CV using that link.

I have not heard anything from you yet- did you get my registration?

If you have registered correctly you will have received 2 emails from us. If you did not receive these please try to register again. If you continue to encounter problems with this please contact the help desk by clicking the following link: Help Desk

When and How you will be contacted

When will you contact me?

We cannot say when exactly we will contact you or indeed if we will contact you, this depends on what kind of workers/ volunteers need. We will contact you if your skillset, availability and geographic preference match with the emerging needs of the health service. This means we are responding to needs as, where and when they arise. We cannot predict where the need will arise. As you can appreciate this is a busy and challenging time for the health services so we ask for your continued patience and understanding in this regard.

How will you contact me?

We will contact you mainly via mobile phone (text/ phone call and email).

Hours of Work

What are the hours of work?

There is likely to be different types of work hours/ shifts available, both part time and full time. We cannot tell you at the moment about the exact hours that will become available as that depends on the needs of the particular healthcare service. If a role comes up for you, the hours of work will be outlined at that time.

Holidays & Annual Leave

Do I get annual leave (holidays) if I take up a job?

You will accrue annual leave on a pro rata basis in line with the terms and conditions of your contract.


Who much will I be paid?

You will be paid in line with the role you are appointed to. Pay scales for the various health care workers can be viewed at https://www.hse.ie/eng/staff/benefitsservices/pay/


I am over 65+ can I volunteer?

Yes you can. We are recording the dates of birth of all those who register so we can make decisions on what age groups are most appropriate for which types of work.

Can you volunteer or work as a young person?

Yes you can. We are recording the dates of birth of all those who register so we can make decisions on what age groups are most appropriate for which types of work.

I have special skills that I believe will help, how can I let you know?

If you have special skills that you believe will help, you can tell us those skills as part of your online regisistration under the discipline area “other useful skill area”.

Already on HSE recruitment panel

I am already on a HSE recruitment panel, will I get one of those jobs?

This initiative is a response to an exceptional public health situation, aimed at increasing the available workforce. It is not a standard recruitment process nor does it replace normal HSE recruitment. The HSE recruitment panels are not linked to this initiative and will continue to be used to fill relevant vacancies arising as part of standard recruitment.

About HSE jobs

Will you fill normal HSE vacancies through this process?

No. The aim of this initiative is to increase the available workforce to rapidly respond to emerging public health priorities as and where they may arise and hopefully for the short term. Normal HSE vacancies will be filled following the normal recruitment channels.

The Selection Process

Will I have to attend interview?

A short telephone interview will be arranged to make sure we match the right people with the right roles. We will make contact with people to arrange these as and where the needs are emerging to fill roles. In some cases we may conduct more in-depth selection processes and we will inform you of that at the time.

Will I have to do Garda/ Police clearance?

Yes. In line the National Vetting Bureau Children & Vulnerable Persons Act (2012) all persons working in patient facing roles will need to be Garda Vetted. To ensure this does not delay your contribution to this important initiative, please respond to any Garda Vetting requests you receive as soon as you can.

I have a criminal conviction, should I still apply?

We cannot make that decision for you as this is specific to each individual. The nature of your conviction would determine whether or not you could proceed to a role that supports this initiative.

I have not heard anything from you yet? Why not?

We will contact you if your skillset, availability and geographic preference match with the emerging needs of the health service. This means we are responding to needs as and where they arise. We cannot predict where the need will arise. As you can appreciate this is a busy and challenging time for the health services so we ask for your continued patience and understanding in this regard.

Childcare/ Care Arrangements

What childcare arrangements will there be?

At present there are no centralised childcare arrangements supplied for those who work/ volunteer for this COVID-19. If there is a change to this we will update this information.

Local healthcare sites may offer arrangements and you will be advised of this if offered work in that site.

About Covid-19

I have an underlying medical condition, can I still work/ volunteer?

If you have an underlying medical condition you should disclose this to us if/ when we contact you. We will be guided by Occupational Health in assigning workers/ volunteers to particular care areas.

Am I more likely to get COVID-19 if I take this job/ volunteer?

COVID-19 is an infectious virus. Health care workers and any volunteers will be advised by the health service on how to reduce transmission and protect yourself.

I want to help but I don’t want to work with COVID-19 patients, can I work/ volunteer in different healthcare area?

The emphasis on this initiative is to support the management of COVID-19. The types of jobs and locations will be advised by the local services. If you do not want to take a job or work/ volunteer in a certain location you can decide not to take it.

What if I don’t know that I have COVID-19 and I start working/ volunteering?

If you believe you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or experience the symptoms, you should follow the existing public health advice including notifying your line manager immediately.

Where can I find out more about COVID-19 or coronavirus?

Keep yourself updated with the most up to date health care advice by visiting hse.ie/coronavirus.




*Please note that by clicking the link you are being diverted the Official HSE Registration Form. If you require any further information please go to www.hse.ie.

How will the data be used?

By completing this form you consent to your data being used for healthcare recruitment to support the management of Covid 19 in Ireland.

The data gathered will be held and distributed for the purposes of recruiting health care professionals. This data may be distributed to public and voluntary health and social care providers. Your data may be shared with third party suppliers who are supporting this initiative on the request of the HSE.

How will your data be stored?

The data gathered will be held on password protected computers/ cloud storage.

The Health Service Executive is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

The Health Service Executive recognises its responsibilities under the Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018 and the Freedom of Information Act 2014.

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