An Post will allow you to nominate someone to collect your welfare payment
12/03/2020 An Post has just announced special arrangements for post office customers in receipt of payments from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP).
In the event of a customer not being able to collect their DEASP payment personally at the Post Office a nominated person (Temporary Agent) can be nominated to collect the payment on their behalf.
When collecting a payment, a ‘Temporary Agent’ must produce the recipient's card as issued by the DEASP as well as their own valid photo I.D. e.g current Passport, Driving Licence or Public Service Card.
To become a Temporary Agent, the recipient must complete the required form which is available from the Post Office.
Post offices throughout the country continue to operate as normal. We are carefully monitoring the situation regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Business Continuity Plans are in place and we are working closely with the HSE Expert team, the Health Threats Coordination Group and international postal organisations. See anpost.com for further updates.
Download appointment of temporary agent application form
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