22 Sep 2017

Jobless rate falls to 6.4% as employment continues to grow in recovery

Some 2,063,000 recorded as being in employment in Ireland by CSO

The rate of employment has increased by 2.4 per cent in the last year, according to the latest Central Statistics Office employment statistics for the second quarter of 2017 and unemployment is now running at 6.4 per cent.

Since the end of 2012 the rate of employment has been increasing in Ireland, following the economic financial crash in 2008. The overall unadjusted unemployment rate dropped from 8.6 per cent to 6.4 per cent over the last 12 months, according to the CSO while the seasonally adjusted rate of unemployment is down from 6.8 per cent to 6.2 per cent over the last four months.

Some 2,063,000 were recorded as being in employment in Ireland, in the latest quarterly national household survey published today.

In total 48,100 more people were recorded as in work compared to this time of year in 2016.

The number of people recorded as unemployed decreased by 46,300 in the last year.

The rate of unemployment has seen a year on year decline since 2012.

The information and communication sector saw the largest employment growth over the year. While the agricultural, farming and fisheries sector saw the biggest decrease in employment rates.

The rate of youth unemployment has fallen from 19 per cent after the second half of 2016, to 16.5 per cent at the same time this year.

Part-time employment has declined by 29,700 (6.4 per cent) over the year.

The CSO quarterly national household survey tracks employment levels in each quarter of the year.

The long term unemployment rate fell from 4.4 per cent at the end of 2016 to 3.1 per cent over the year.

Long term unemployment accounts for just less than half of total unemployment persons.


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