COVID-19: Answers for your most asked questions
STUDENTS - I’m a Student working part time to pay my rent so I can attend College. If I don’t pay my rent I will lose my accommodation. What can I do?
You should just apply for the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment the operator did not know how much exactly you will get, but thought that you may receive the full payment. Get started here.
STUDENTS - I’m a foreign Student working part time (20 Hours) I pay PRSI and Tax etc. Can I apply?
You should just apply for the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment, again the operator did not know how much exactly you will get, but thought that you may receive the full payment. In the meantime they also suggested that you could contact your embassy in Ireland to see if they can offer you any assistance or advice at this time.
CHILDCARE ISSUES - I cannot attend work due to childcare issues / creche closures. My workplace is still open but I just cannot attend, so I have taken unpaid leave – can I apply for support?
The advice was that you should apply anyway for the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment
STUCK ABROAD - I’m stuck in another country due to flight cancellations and can’t attend work, my employers said that they cannot pay me for the days I'm missing? Can I apply for support?
They suggested that you contact your embassy in the Country where you are to see if they can help you to get home asap.
PART TIME WORKER - I work part-time in a hairdressers and have already sent in my paperwork for 3 days off. My employer has closed the salon indefinitely. How can I amend the situation?
They said you should send in the 'x and o’s' and don’t put dates on it.
PART TIME WORKER - I can’t get my employer to sign my Weekly form for social welfare as the business is closed – what can I do?
They said you should send in the 'x and o’s' and don’t put dates on it. (hope you know what that is - but sure if you do Weekly Forms you will know.
Main thing the person on the phone said is - if people are stuck for money due to the impact of COVID and lay offs, short time etc., don't go hungry, apply - even if you are in doubt. They will review your application. The form is easy - just put your details on it and send it back FREEPOST. Get all the details here.
I am unable to print forms to claim for social welfare payments?
Request a Form By Post - This email address is only for application forms. Email: forms@welfare.ie
Here are the latest COVID-19 updates from The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection:
• Govt announces National COVID-19 Income Support Scheme - Emergency pandemic payment will increase from €203 to €350. Workers who have lost their jobs due to the crisis will receive an enhanced emergency COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment of €350 per week (an increase from €203). Get all the details here.
• Employees and Self Employed: How to apply for Jobseeker's Payment? COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment - Emergency Payment for Employees and the Self Employed - is now available. Apply here.
• An Post to pay two weeks' social welfare benefit to customers from Monday the 23rd of March. Important additional information:
- How to direct your social welfare payments to your bank account?
- How to nominate a temporary agent to collect your social welfare payments?
Get all the details on the above here.
• Unable to collect social welfare payments? An Post will allow you to nominate someone to collect your welfare payment. Get all the details here.
• Has your work week been cut short? Short-time Work Support Payment is now available. Details here.
• Workers who are diagnosed with COVID-19 - How to apply for illness benefit?
• Learn about your employment rights during COVID-19 restrictions here.
• Have you been Laid-off or made redundant? Everything you need to know here.
• Workers whose employers do not supplement the State Illness Benefit payment
• Have you been requested to stay at home by your employer due to COVID-19? Here's what you need to know.
• Working from home? You claim tax relief for lighting, heat and broadband. Get the details here.
• Help for workers who are laid off temporarily or put on to short time working
• Workers who need to take time off to care for person affected by COVID-19
• Support for your business: Learn about all of the Government supports for COVID-19 impacted businesses here.
Employment opportunities with the HSE
Be On Call For Ireland – Sign up now. The HSE is looking for healthcare & non healthcare professionals.
Calling all healthcare Professionals, all disciplines, retired, students and people with other skills that can help during the effects and impact of COVID-19.
Ireland needs you and you will be paid a salary in line with the role you are appointed to.
Click here for all the details.
Wishing you all health and happiness.
COVID-19: Get all of the latest updates for Employees and Employers here.