Wholetime Station Officer
The Position: Westmeath County Council employs over 570 staff across eight service divisions. Housing & Building; Fire & Emergency Services, Road, Transport & Safety; Rural Water; Development Management; Environmental Protection; Recreation & Amenity; Climate Action, Agriculture & Education and Miscellaneous Services. It consists of 20 democratically elected members. The Council is mandated to deliver a diverse range of functions and services which can be broadly described under the headings of economic development, community development, provision of physical and social infrastructure, recreation and amenity services, and the enforcement of the planning and environmental regulatory framework. The Council now invites applications from suitably qualified persons who wish to be considered for inclusion on a panel from which permanent posts for the position of Wholetime Station Officer will be drawn. Westmeath County Council is currently inviting applications from suitably qualified persons for the post of Wholetime Station Officer.
Qualifying Criteria: • The successful candidate must be available at all times generally for callout both during and outside his/her normal office hours. He/she must reside, at all material times, in the town where the brigade is located and within a distance which will allow him/her to attend at the fire station within a maximum of five minutes from his/her residence. • The successful candidate shall have a minimum of seven years of satisfactory and uninterrupted service in either a retained or fulltime fire brigade.
• Applicants must have successfully attended a Fire Service Sub Officers Course accredited by the Fire Services Council or the National Directorate for Fire & Emergency Management or equivalent. • Applicants will be required to undertake and successfully pass a medical examination before recruitment. • Applicants must hold a current valid full driving licence for Category B (and obtain Category C within 6 months from date of appointment if not in possession of same).
Essential Requirements: The Station Officer is a supervisory rank within the Fire Service and the successful applicant will be essential to ensuring that the brigade activities are delivered both efficiently and effectively. The ideal candidate will be a highly motivated person, with a proven record of commitment to the Fire Service.
The ideal candidate shall demonstrate a clear knowledge and understanding of the following: • Fire Service & Local Authority Structures • Safe System of Work currently in place within the Fire Service • Health & Safety Legislation & knowledge of Health and Safety Management Systems within the workplace • Modern firefighting tactics • Management of personnel The ideal candidate shall also have knowledge and experience of: • Active participation in the delivery of local training • Dealing effectively with conflicting demands • Acting on own initiate, including problem solving & decision making • Managing and motivating persons • Effective communication with work colleagues • Effective communication with the public • Active engagement with the Health, Safety and Welfare policies within the Fire Service • Working under pressure within a structured environment • Modern firefighting tactics, fire service communications, water supply systems, principles of hydraulics and building construction. • Adaptability to evolving situations. • The operation of the National Incident Command System. QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE POST 1. Character Each candidate must be of good character. The County Council may make whatever enquiries it considers necessary to satisfy this condition. 2. Age Candidates must be under 55 years of age on the first date of the month in which the latest date for receiving completed application forms for the office occurs. 3. Health Each applicant must be free from or disease which would render him/her unsuitable to hold the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.
The successful candidate must: (a) undergo such medical examination(s) by medical examiner(s) as nominated by the County Council in accordance with the document ‘Occupational Health System for the Retained Fire Service’ (b) undergo any other medical examination by medical examiner(s) as nominated by the County Council Payment of medical examiner(s) fees will be made by the County Council for the above examinations. The County Council shall not be responsible for any expense involved in having any medical defects discovered pertaining to a medical examination remedied. Retention in the employment will depend on satisfactory reports by medical examiner(s) and the general condition above as to health. Employment will not be continued in any case where, because of such examinations the Council considers the Station Officer is medically unfit to continue. 4. Citizenship Candidates must, by the date of any job offer, be: a) A citizen of the European Economic Area (EEA). The EEA consists of the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway; or b) A citizen of the United Kingdom (UK); or c) A citizen of Switzerland pursuant to the agreement between the EU and Switzerland on the free movement of persons; or d) A non-EEA citizen who is a spouse or child of an EEA or UK or Swiss citizen and has a stamp 4 visa: or e) A person awarded international protection under the International Protection Act 2015, or any family member entitled to remain in the State as a result of family reunification and has a stamp 4 visa or f) A non-EEA citizen who is a parent of a dependent child who is a citizen of, and resident in, an EEA member state or the UK or Switzerland and has a stamp 4 visa. 5. Education, Training, Experience etc. Each candidate must, on the latest date for receipt of completed Application forms: (a) A good standard of general education such as would enable him/her to perform satisfactorily the duties specified and in particular to keep efficiently all records pertaining to the position; (b) Competence and experience in driving and hold a current clean full driving licence for vehicles of classes B and C or equivalent in the EU model driving licence; (c) At least seven years satisfactory service in the Fire Service with either a retained or fulltime Brigade with relevant experience at a minimum of Sub Station Officer level; (d) Have successfully completed Breathing Apparatus Initial Wearers Course and Compartment Fire Behaviour Training Course together with refresher training as required; (e) Adequate experience in the command, control and discipline of personnel; (f) Have an adequate knowledge and experience of modern firefighting tactics, fire service communications, water supply systems, principles of hydraulics and building construction; (f) Adequate knowledge and experience of modern firefighting techniques; (g) Successfully attended Sub Officer Courses accredited by The Fire Services Council or the National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management or equivalent; (h) Successfully completed a Fire Brigade Instructor’s Course and a breathing apparatus instructors course, is desirable, though not essential. If not completed, the successful candidate may be required to undertake and successfully complete any such operational training during his/her probationary period as determined by the Chief Fire Officer; (i) Successfully completed Breathing Apparatus Wearers and Compartment Fire Behaviour Training and Refreshers as required; (j) Have adequate knowledge and experience of health and safety procedures deployed within the Fire Service including the health and safety obligations placed upon the Fire Authority; (k) Have an adequate knowledge and experience in the operation of the National Incident Command System; l) Have an operational knowledge of motor vehicles, internal combustion engines and pumps, together with their routine maintenance; m) Have a working knowledge of computers including software packages such as Microsoft Officer, Gartan payroll, Britesparks, FLEX etc. Key Duties & Responsibilities The person employed shall be required to carry out duties as may, from time to time, be assigned to them in relation to their employment and as may be appropriate to any particular function of the local authority for which the Chief Executive is responsible and carry out such instructions as may be given in relation to the performance of duties. The Chief Fire Officer, or any such person designated, may assign any other duties as they see fit at their absolute discretion.
In particular, the duties that relate to the Assigned Brigade will include, but will not be limited to the following: He/She: (1) Shall be on duty at the Appointed Fire Station from: The successful candidate will be required to work a 39-hour week: Monday to Thursday 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.; 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Friday 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.; 2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Drill Night 2 Hours Westmeath County Council, however, reserves the right to alter the hours of duty at any future date. No premium payment/ fire fees will be payable within normal working hours. (2) Shall attend fires and other incidents during duty hours. He/she should be available to attend fires and other incidents outside normal working hours for which he/she shall be paid the appropriate hourly rate applicable to Retained Fire Personnel. He /she may in the event of an emergency be called to duty at any time. The successful candidate will be expected to attend, in person, a minimum of 50% of incidents which occur outside of normal daytime working hours. (3) Shall attend and take charge of all Drill Nights at their appointed Fire Brigade. (4) Shall also be available for duty on a flexible basis outside of normal working hours having regard to the following; • Maximum number of hours to be 19 hours weekly; • Total number of flexible hours to be 156 hours in a year; • The flexible hours may comprise of weekend training, service to outside brigades, during performance inspections and transportation of equipment as required; • Advance notification in good time with regard to allocation of such hours; • The average working week (flexible and normal hours) should not exceed 39 hours. All flexible hours must have the approval of the Chief Fire Officer or his/her deputy (5) He/she must, if absent through illness or any other reason, immediately notify his/her Line Manager/Senior Officer to ensure his/her duties are carried out as normal. (6) He/she shall provide telephone and radio answering service outside normal working hours when required. A council mobile telephone shall be issued. (7) Shall operate and participate in any Duty Roster or Availability Scheme involving Officers and personnel in the brigade which may be in operation from time to time. (8) Shall form part of the Officer Cover arrangements in the assigned Fire Brigade. (9) Shall carry a pager and a mobile phone or any other form of communication deemed necessary by the Chief Fire Officer or his Deputy, while on duty. (10) He/she must reside, at all material times, in the town where the brigade is located and within a distance which will allow him/her to attend at the fire station within the required turnout as agreed by the Chief Fire Officer from his/her residence. (11) He/she shall be responsible for operating a rostering system involving the Station Officer and all personnel under his/her command. He/she is also responsible for ensuring that a minimum crew is available at all times in compliance with brigade orders and national policy. (12) Shall manage all leave arrangements for his/her Fire Brigade Crew fairly and required to ensure that agreed minimum crewing and officer cover arrangements are maintained. (13) Shall exercise command over the Fire Station and shall maintain all records necessary for the efficient administration and training of the Fire Brigade. He/she shall also ensure that all Policies and Procedures are fully complied with by all persons who he/she is responsible for. He/she shall also be responsible for the training, direction, welfare and control of all personnel under his/her command. (14) Shall wear the official uniform issued and rank insignia whilst on Fire Service duty, and in attendance at his normal place of work. (15) Shall ensure that the Fire Station is secured prior to going off all duties. (16) Ensure that unauthorised persons do not enter, stay in or frequent the Fire Station and ensure that the Watch room is kept free of non-authorised personnel. (17) Take charge of operations at fires and incidents attended by him/her unless duly relieved by any officer of senior rank; assist in controlling operations at fires or other incidents by any officer of senior rank and subject to the provisions of the Fire Services Act, 1981 and 2003; (18) Shall assist in the delivery of the training of his/her Fire Brigade crew and any other training duties assigned to him/her by the Chief Fire Officer. He/she shall also keep accurate records of the training provided for each fire-fighter and provide ongoing assessments of the performance of each fire-fighter and to report any training or performance deficiencies to the designated Senior Fire Officer. Shall, where required, assist instruct and develop in all training events for Westmeath as directed by senior management both within and outside the county of Westmeath. (19) Shall, where required, ensure the availability of Course Assistant to service both internal and external courses. (20) Shall submit such reports in relation to the work carried out under his/her charge as may be required from time to time, and submit incident reports and paysheets for all personnel under his/her charge, in electronic and/or paper format as required. (21) Shall ensure that after each incident or training period, all appliances and equipment have been tested, cleaned and replenished as appropriate prior to going off all duties (Closedown). He/she shall ensure that the appropriate Logbooks are maintained and updated as necessary. (22) Shall attend to the care and maintenance of the Fire Station building and surrounds and to all appliances and equipment stored therein. The maintenance will include the monitoring, testing/checking in accordance with the relevant policies and procedures together with the keeping of records either in paper format or through the use of software packages that may be in use from time to time. He/she must also report any defects, breakdowns or missing equipment immediately in accordance with the Policy and Procedure in place at that time. PARTICULARS OF OFFICE 1. The Post The Station Officer post is permanent, wholetime and pensionable. 2. Remuneration The current pay scale for the post of Wholetime Station Officer is :- Point 1 €1,100.43 per week Point 2 €1,113.71 per week Point 3 €1,128.55 per week Point 4 €1,142.16 per week Point 5 €1,156.09 per week In addition, the following may also be paid: Fees at same rates applicable to retained personnel in respect of attendance at fires outside of normal working hours. No fire fees will be paid during normal working hours. No fees will be paid in respect of weekly training drills, in accordance with the National Agreement for Station Officers 1999. The time spent in weekly training drills may be taken in lieu from the normal working time by agreement with the Chief Fire Officer. Rates are as per Circular EL 03/2024. Payment of increments is dependent on satisfactory performance. Entry point of this scale will be determined in accordance with the Circulars issued by the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government. New Entrants to the Local Authority Service commence on the 1st point of the scale in accordance with current Government Policy as set out in Department of the Environment Circular Letter EL 02/2011 of 28th January 2011 and Circular EL 05/2016 dated 5th February 2016. Remuneration is paid fortnightly by PayPath directly to the employee’s nominated bank account. The current pay cycle may be revised during the period of employment. Remuneration is subject to all statutory deductions e.g. PAYE and PRSI. Increments are paid annually subject to satisfactory attendance, conduct and performance and national agreements. Increments may be withheld if performance, attendance and/or conduct are not satisfactory. You agree that in the event of an overpayment of salary or other monies to you, the Council reserves the right to deduct monies from your “wages” (for the purposes of the Payment of Wages Act, 1991) for the purpose of reimbursement of the Council of the amount of the overpayment(s), in keeping with the Payment of Wages Act 1991, Section 5(5). 3. Superannuation Membership of the Local Government Superannuation Scheme or the Single Public Service Pension Scheme is compulsory for all employees. Details of the relevant scheme will be provided to the appointee prior to appointment.
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