Transport Escort
This job description is intended as a guide to the general range of duties and is intended to be neither definitive nor restrictive. It will be reviewed from time to time in accordance with the evolution of the role of School Transport Escort.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF BUS/TAXI ESCORT • Must ensure that they are on the bus/taxi at time of first pick-up and last set down • Are responsible for the safety of children when opening and closing doors prior to ‘stop’ and ‘move off.’ • Assisting children to board and alight safely from the school bus/taxi. • Making sure all children are seated with appropriate straps, harnesses where provided. • Ensure that each pupil is received by some responsible person at the set down point
DUTIES OF BUS/TAXI ESCORT • Supervision of children travelling on bus/taxi • Maintain a good working relationship with the driver of the bus/taxi • Act as liaison between Principal and/or Class Teacher and parents when required i.e., conveyance of messages and letter to parents. • Observe confidentiality in all aspects of work. • Be aware of particular disabilities of children in the bus/taxi and be briefed by the Principal on how to deal with same, e.g., epilepsy etc. • Perform any other duties relevant to the position of escort which may be assigned by the Principal from time to time. • Unless under exceptional circumstances, the escort should never leave the bus/taxi • The escorts position on the bus/taxi should be where maximum control of children is achieved i.e., at back of bus/taxi • Report all concerns to the Principal and/or Class Teacher
RATE OF PAY €13.40 per hour plus €1.07 holiday pay. Holiday pay is paid three times per annum, Easter, Summer and December.
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