Traffic Warden

Donegal County CouncilDonegal€807.47 - €873.72 per weekFull-time

1. The Position The Council is seeking applications from suitably qualified candidates with relevant experience for the position of Traffic Warden. It is proposed to form a panel of qualified candidates from which vacancies both permanent and temporary will be filled during the lifetime of the panel. Traffic Wardens are responsible for ensuring compliance with parking bye - laws and traffic and parking regulations in Donegal allowing traffic and parking in the County to function more efficiently. The position of Traffic Warden is a uniformed grade and enforces the parking bye -laws and traffic and parking regulations. 2. Roles Duties & Responsibilities The role, duties and responsibilities of a Traffic Warden will include: 1. To fairly and impartially enforce the current Traffic & Parking Regulations and Parking Bye-Laws and to issue Fixed Charge Notices for breaches thereof. 2. To provide advice to the public regarding Parking Regulations. 3. To patrol dedicated beats where provided and to be on their beat from the start of the shift period, be visible in the patrol areas at all times while on duty. 4. To inspect all Pay & Display Machines on arrival in the area being patrolled, periodically during, and at the end of the working day to ensure that they are in good working order and to immediately report to the Parking Section, any machines which are out of order. 5. To carry out minor machine maintenance and ticket roll replenishment upon receipt of appropriate training. 6. To ensure at the conclusion of the duty period each evening that all equipment is checked and ready for use when next reporting for duty 7. To maintain a high level of proficiency in the use of equipment. 8. To keep accurate records and photographic evidence of offences as required for the purposes of Court proceedings and to attend Court and give evidence when required. 9. To use as directed and upon receipt of appropriate training Information Technology equipment including body cameras, personal computers and portable printers. 10. To be courteous in all dealings with the public. 11. To ensure that at all times his/her conduct is above reproach and that he/she does not involve himself/herself in any activity which may discredit the Donegal County Council by lessening public confidence or respect. 12. It is your responsibility to ensure that the full uniform issued to you is kept in a clean and presentable manner at all times. 13. Any other duties as assigned by Donegal County Council. 3. Qualifications & Requirement of the Post (a) Character: Candidates shall be of good character. (b) Health Candidates shall be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service. Successful candidates will be required to undergo a medical examination carried out by the Council’s Occupational Medical advisor prior to appointment. (c) Education, Training, Experience etc. Each candidate should be able to demonstrate a standard of numeracy and literacy which will satisfy Donegal County Council that he / she can adequately carry out all the functions of the position. It is desirable that he / she has good report writing and written record keeping ability and basic computer literacy. Candidates should also be able to demonstrate that they have the following skills: • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both written and verbal • Excellent attention to detail • Knowledge and understanding of the role of Traffic Warden • Active listening skills • Demonstrate a high ability to use their own initiate • Demonstrate sound judgment and ability to remain calm when dealing with potentially difficult situations • Work well as part of a Team • IT skills • Experience working with the general public is beneficial

(d) Core Competencies

i. Relevant Experience: • Delivering front line customer services • Dealing with difficult customers • Administration and report writing • Working under pressure and managing conflict • Meeting compliance requirements and deadlines • Awareness of key health, safety and welfare at work legislation • IT Literate and ability to use variety of IT packages

ii. Decision Making: • Organising, planning, and prioritising workloads • Acting on own initiative when required • Demonstrating good judgement • Understanding the central issue of a problem and arriving at the best solution iii. Interpersonal Communications: • Delivering a message in a clear and coherent fashion • Ability to keep calm under pressure • Portraying a positive customer service ethos at all times • Establishing and maintaining productive working relationships withkey internal and external stakeholders • Communicating effectively both verbally and in writing at all times

iv. Teamwork: • Positively contributing to teams and workgroups • Understanding the importance of good group dynamics • Ability to listen and take instructions • Flexibility and willingness to embrace change

v. Personal Effectiveness: • Resilience and Personal Well-Being • Understanding of the role of Traffic Warden including knowledge of the key legislation relevant to the specified duties and of the local authority sector in general. • Integrity, Ethics, and Public Service Values • Loyalty to the organisation • Personal Motivation and Initiative

4. Particulars of the Post (a) General Donegal County Council proposes to create a panel of qualified candidates for the position of Traffic Warden from which any vacancies that may arise will be filled during the lifetime of the panel. (b) Probation The successful candidate shall be required to be on probation for an initial period, as determined by the Council. This period may be extended at the discretion of the Council. (c) Remuneration The current weekly pay-scale is €807.47 minimum to max point 10 €873.72. (as per Circular EL 03/2024). Holders of the post will be paid at the appropriate point on the salary scale in accordance with the relevant Department Circular. New entrants will commence on the minimum point of the scale. (d) Base The base for the post of Traffic Warden shall be determined by the council. Successful candidates will be required to patrol other towns, as directed by the Parking Section, and this will form part of their normal duties. The role of Traffic Warden may involve some travel, with associated costs covered by the appropriate allowances. (e) Residence Holders of the post shall reside in the district in which their duties are to be performed or within a reasonable distance thereof. (f) Working Hours / Annual Leave The normal hours of work will be 39 hours per week. The Council reserves the right to alter the hours of work from time to time. Annual leave allowance will be in accordance with Circular LG(P) 07/2011. Maximum 25 days for all applicants. (g) Requirement to Drive Candidates shall be required: (a) to possess a full current category B Driving Licence. (b) to have their own vehicle available for use while performing their duties and the associated costs will be covered by the appropriate allowances. (h) Citizenship Requirements Eligible candidates must be, on the latest date for receipt of completed application forms; (a) A citizen of the European Economic Area (EEA). The EEA consists of the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway; or (b) A citizen of the United Kingdom (UK); or (c) A citizen of Switzerland pursuant to the agreement between the EU and Switzerland on the free movement of persons; or (d) A non-EEA citizen who is a spouse or child of an EEA or UK or Swiss citizen and has a stamp 4 visa; or (e) A person awarded international protection under the International Protection Act 2015 or any family member entitled to remain in the State as a result of family reunification and has a stamp 4 visa or (f) A non-EEA citizen who is a parent of a dependent child who is a citizen of, and resident in, an EEA member state or the UK or Switzerland and has a stamp 4 visa. (I) Conflicts of Interest The post holder shall not engage in any gainful occupation, other than as an employee of a local authority, to such an extent as to impair the performance of his or her duties as an employee of a local authority or in any occupation which might conflict with the interests of the local authority or which might be inconsistent with the discharge of his duties as a local authority employee. (J) Garda Vetting Candidates for the post of Traffic Warden are subject to Garda Vetting. Please note all candidates must attain a satisfactory Garda Vetting Disclosure prior to appointment, otherwise the offer of employment will be withdrawn. In the event where a Garda Vetting Disclosure indicates that there is a case pending, then the appointment cannot proceed at that time and the offer of employment will be withdrawn. The candidate will however retain their position on the panel and will be considered for the next vacancy should same arise within the lifetime of the panel.

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