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Sports Operative

University College CorkCork€841.81 - €863.28 per weekFull-timePermanent

Role Description The Department of Sport & Physical Activity supports 50 sports clubs and individuals in participation and performance areas of sport & physical activity. The DSPA in UCC aims to provide high quality facilities and services to students, graduates, staff and the wider community. The Department are seeking to appoint a Sports Operative with immediate effect. The Sports Operative will be a member of the DSPA team, reporting to the Head of Sport and Physical Activity and or nominee and will be responsible for the maintenance, preparation, upkeep and supervision of UCC Sport facilities. The level of support required for this varies during the academic year, so flexibility will be required in that respect.

Main Duties and responsibilities: The Sports Operative will report to the Head of Sport & Physical Activity, or nominee, and duties will include: 1. Preparation and maintenance of all sports areas and facilities at the UCC Mardyke Sports Grounds and at the UCC Playing Fields at Curraheen Road, or any other future sports sites under the control of the university 2. Safe use, and maintenance and upkeep, of all grounds equipment and machinery 3. Operating equipment and machinery including tractors, ride-on mower, pitch marker, verti-drainer, etc. 4. Safe and appropriate use of horticultural chemicals 5. Supervision of use of the Sports Facilities by students, staff and others 6. Upkeep of changing and shower room facilities at Curraheen and the Mardyke 7. Such other duties falling within the remit of the post as may be required from time to time. 8. Full flexibility will be required with regard to working location, rostering, and to the range of duties to be undertaken.

Note: As the university continues to expand and evolve, it is likely that flexibility in regard to the allocation of specific duties will be necessary. Accordingly, the list of duties specified above is not intended to be exclusive or restrictive; duties may be added or withdrawn but any such alteration will take place after consultation with the appointee

Health & Safety: In addition to the statutory safety duties of all employees (as prescribed in safety legislation and the relevant local safety statement) each staff member is responsible for: • Discharging any safety functions delegated to them by their Head of College \ School \ Department \ Centre \ Unit, in relation to the areas/ activities under their control • Co-operating and assisting the University and the Head of College \ School \ Department \ Centre \ Unit in the discharge of their statutory safety responsibilities • Ensuring that all work under their control, is undertaken safely and without risk to health and complies with the provision of all relevant statutory legislation

Note: As the university continues to expand and evolve, it is likely that flexibility in regard to the allocation of specific duties will be necessary. Accordingly, the list of duties specified above is not intended to be exclusive or restrictive; duties may be added or withdrawn but any such alteration will take place after consultation with the appointee.

SELECTION CRITERIA The successful candidate will be expected to have: Essential Criteria 1. Candidates will have demonstrated the ability to carry out the duties detailed above. 2. Candidates are required to have a knowledge of fertilizers/chemicals in the treatment of playing pitches. 3. Candidates will have good communication skills (both written and oral) 4. Ideally candidates will have supervised a sports ground where there was multi activity taking place at the same time. 5. A full clean driver’s licence is essential.

Desirable Criteria 6. A knowledge of the maintenance requirements of synthetic pitches is an advantage Candidates are requested to make a personal assessment of these criteria against their own qualifications, skills and abilities to assess whether they should apply for the post

Please note: Candidates who do not demonstrate that they meet the criteria as detailed above will not be short listed.

The University, at its discretion, may undertake to make an additional appointment(s) from this competition following the conclusion of the process. CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Salary:  Appointment may be made on the Departmental Operative Salary Scale: (weekly) €863.28 (Scale B) / €841.81 (Scale A) An additional 20% shift and other allowances may apply. Salary placement on appointment will be in accordance with public sector pay policy.

* As required by public pay policy for the higher education sector, new appointments to a direct entry recruitment grade will generally be at the minimum (1st point) of the relevant scale. For existing public servants, the restriction to the first point on scale may be varied where a person is appointed to the same or an analogous grade, role or position as their previous public service employment. The rate of remuneration for all appointments may be adjusted from time to time in line with government policy Hours of Duty: A 39-hour 7-day 2 shift roster is in operation. (This includes evening and weekend work). Due to the nature and seniority of the post, however, it may be necessary to extend and vary these hours from time to time in order to meet the exigencies of the post. Annual Leave will be 22 days per annum. This leave is exclusive of public holidays and Good Friday. The leave year commences on 1 July annually and four days annual leave must be held for the Christmas closure period. Sick Leave: Sick leave will be granted in line with University policy in this regard which may change from time to time. You should familiarise yourself with the University Sick Leave Policy and University Sick Leave Management Policy.

The tenure of the post is permanent wholetime , based on the following provisions: a. A probationary period of twelve months shall apply from commencement of employment in the post during which the contract of employment may be terminated by either party in accordance with the Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts, 1973 to 2001 b. Except in circumstances of gross misconduct justifying immediate dismissal, the appointee will receive one month's notice of termination of employment, or, if greater, such notice as is provided for in a minimum notice in terms of Employment Act, 1973. c. The appointee is required to give one month's notice of termination of employment. Pension: The Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012 established the Single Public Service Pension Scheme. In general, anyone taking up pensionable public service employment on or after 1 January 2013 is a member of the Single Scheme. The Act provides that most members of the Single Scheme have a minimum pension age consistent with the age of eligibility for the State Pension (Contributory) and a compulsory retirement age of 70. A member of this group is generally referred to as a “Single Scheme member”. However, applicants who have previously worked in a pensionable post (non -Single Scheme terms ) in the Irish Civil/Public service, may be offered membership of the UCC Pension scheme. The normal retirement date in this scheme is age 65. A compulsory retirement date of 70 may apply depending on date of first employment in the Irish Civil/Public service. The relevant pension scheme will be confirmed to the successful applicant on completion of the Pensions Declaration form prior to taking up employment. 

Applicants that have previously availed of an Irish Public Service Scheme of Incentivised early retirement or enhanced redundancy payment should ensure that they are not precluded from re-engagement in the Irish Public Service under the terms of such Schemes. Queries should be directed to an applicant’s former Civil/Public Service Employer in the first instance. Applicants who are in receipt of an ill-health pension from an Irish Civil/Public Service body are required to declare that they are in receipt of such a pension. 

Pension Abatement: If an appointee has previously been employed in the Civil or Public Service and that appointee is entitled to or in receipt of a pension from the Civil or Public Service or where a Civil/Public Service pension comes into payment during the appointee’s re-employment that pension will be subject to abatement in accordance with Section 52 of the Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and other Provisions) Act 2012. Please note: In applying for this position, you are acknowledging that you understand that the abatement provisions, where  relevant,  will  apply.  It is not envisaged that the employing Department/Office/Body will support an application or an abatement waiver in respect of appointments to this position Additional dependants’ benefits can be provided by membership of the Supplementary Life Assurance Scheme. You will be automatically included as a member of the scheme on commencement of your employment but you may elect to opt out of the scheme at any stage.

The current membership rate is 0.26% of your salary. Membership of the Group Personal Accident Scheme shall apply to all employees, subject to individual acceptance by the Insurance Company. The salary quoted is subject to a deduction from salary at the rate of .06%. The UCC Income Continuance Plan (ICP) provides a source of income in the event of long or short-term temporary disability. As part of your contract of employment you will be automatically included in the ICP with effect from the same date provided you have not previously opted out of the plan or you have been declined for cover under previous contracts of employment with UCC. The cost of membership of the plan will be deducted from your salary. The current membership rate is 1.05% of your salary. The Pay Related Social Insurance Class A1 rate of Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) applies to the post. Voluntary Health Insurance: VHI /Laya Healthcare & Irish Life Healthcare offer group schemes. Premiums must be paid via the UCC payroll. The Laya Group No is 32805 and VHI Group No is 137. Additional benefits: We offer progressive employment and training policies including opportunities for further studies. Staff can avail of membership of a variety of clubs and societies and a wide range of facilities on campus, including a leisure centre. As an equal opportunities employer we offer a comprehensive suite of Work Life Balance Policies. A list of such initiatives is available on our webpage. UCC welcomes applications from non-EEA citizens. However, regulations regarding employment permits are set by the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment and must be strictly adhered to. An offer of appointment to Non-EEA candidates is subject to the granting of a Work Permit by the Department of Enterprise Trade & Employment. Candidates are requested to make a personal assessment against their own eligibility as to whether they should apply for this post. Certificates and Testimonials: These documents should not be sent with the application. Candidates who are selected for interview will be requested to submit the necessary documentation. References: Following completion of the interview process and the identification of the preferred candidate, any offer of appointment will be subject to receipt of satisfactory references. For internal candidates, the Department of Human Resources will seek a reference from a candidate’s line manager once the preferred candidate has accepted a conditional offer of employment. Additional references may be sought on the request of the hiring manager. Shortlisted candidates for posts shall be required to appear before a Board of Assessors.

Interviews will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. A successful candidate will be required to submit a birth certificate, documentary evidence confirming academic qualifications, and to undergo a medical examination. Garda vetting and/or an international police clearance may also be required. Candidates may be required to produce documentary evidence to support any statements made by them on their application form or any supporting documentation. 

Note: Candidates should note that any inaccurate information will invalidate their application. Restrictions that may apply in relation to the re-employment of former public service employees or pensioners Certain restrictions may apply in relation to the re-employment / appointment of: (a) former public service employees who have availed of certain collective agreements or arrangements OR (b) former public service employees who are in receipt of a public service pension or who have preserved benefits under a pre-existing public service pension scheme

The following outlines some of the main agreements and schemes that may restrict a candidate’s right to be re-employed in the public service or affect how they are reemployed. The list is not exhaustive, so prospective candidates should declare any other agreements or arrangements that they may have availed of that affects or restricts their re-employment in the Public Service. Employment Control Framework for the Higher Education Sector Under the Employment Control Framework for the Higher Education Sector, re-employment of retired staff may only occur in very limited exceptional circumstances and in these cases the salaries offered may not exceed 20% of the full-time salary an individual was in receipt of at the time of their retirement, adjusted to reflect the application of Government pay policy in the period since their date of retirement – including in particular the application of salary adjustments imposed under the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (No. 2) Act 2009. Any such proposed arrangements must be put in advance to the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the person concerned will only be eligible for re-employment if approval is obtained for same from the HEA. Collective Agreement: Redundancy Payments to Public Servants The Department of Public Expenditure, National Development Plan and Reform letter dated 28th June 2012 to Personnel Officers introduced, with effect from 1st June 2012, a Collective Agreement which had been reached between the Department of Public Expenditure, National Development Plan and Reform and the Public Services Committee of the ICTU in relation to exgratia Redundancy Payments to Public Servants. It is a condition of the Collective Agreement that persons availing of the agreement may not be eligible for re-employment in the Public Service by any Public Service body (as defined by the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Acts 2009 – 2011) for a period of 2 years from termination of the employment. People who availed of this scheme and who may be successful in this competition will have to prove their eligibility (expiry of period of non-eligibility).

Pension Abatement: The Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012 extended pension abatement so that a retiree’s public service pension is liable to abatement on re-entering public service employment, even where the new employment is in a different area of the public service.

Declaration: Applicants will be required to declare whether they have previously availed of a Public Service scheme of incentivised early retirement. Applicants will also be required to declare any entitlements to a Public Service pension benefit (in payment or preserved) from any Public Service employment and/or where they have received a payment-in-lieu in respect of service in any Public Service employment.

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