Retained Firefighter
QUALIFICATIONS 1. Character Each candidate must be of good character and the successful applicant may be subject to Garda Vetting prior to any appointment being confirmed.
2. Age Each candidate must be at least 18 years of age on 1st May, 2025. Retirement age for Retained Fire-fighters is 55 years of age (up to 62 years of age subject to conditions).
3. Health Each candidate must be free from any defects which would render that person unsuitable to perform the duties of the post and be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service. For the purpose of satisfying this requirement, it will be necessary to undergo at the candidate’s own expense an initial medical examination, by a qualified medical practitioner to be nominated by Cork County Council. Note the requirement to complete and pass the Chester Step Test detailed below. On taking up appointment, the expense of the medical examination will be refunded to the candidate. Retained Fire-fighters will be required to undergo regular and ad-hoc medical examinations at any time. Given the strenuous nature of fire-fighting duties the medical examination will be of a very thorough nature. Please note that the following disabilities will render an applicant unsuitable for firefighting duties and will lead to disqualification at the examination. 1. history of epilepsy 2. Alcohol or drug dependency 3. obesity 4. Chronic bronchitis or asthma or other disabling disease of the lungs 5. organic disease of the cardio vascular system 6. diabetes mellitus 7. unaided vision less than 6/12 in either eye 8. inability to hear a forced whisper or conversational voice separately in either ear at 20 feet; 9. evidence of labyrinthine disturbance 10. a history of vertigo or an illness which would affect sense of balance 11. history of mental instability
Please note that it is recommended that Retained Fire-fighters be vaccinated against the Hepatitis B Virus and in this connection the vaccine will be made available free of charge to successful candidates.
Fitness Test Part of the pre-employment medical examination includes completing the fitness test. Candidates successful at interview must successfully complete the fitness test prior to employment being offered. The fitness test at the recruit medical is the Chester Step Test. The Chester Step Test measures aerobic capacity and fitness and entails a moderately vigorous level of physical activity. The level of fitness needed to pass this test requires regular exercise and the test pass level is difficult to achieve if the candidate does not already have a good level of physical fitness prior to the test. Medical examiners advice is that fitness needed for this test does not come overnight; realistically it takes at least a few weeks and often longer to appreciably improve your fitness level. Candidates who fail the initial Chester Step Test will be offered one further fitness test only. This may be a Chester Step Test or a Shuttle Run test, as determined by Cork County Council. No further retests will be offered.
4. Residence/Availability Only applicants from competent persons who reside and work within 2 miles of the fire station of the relevant unit and whose ordinary activity does not take them away from the town, in which a brigade is located, will be considered. On receipt of a fire or other emergency call you should be in attendance at the station within five minutes. Unemployed persons are not precluded from applying, provided that they satisfy the residence and availability requirements.
5. Licence: Each applicant must hold a full current Category “B” European Community Model Driving Licence free from endorsement 6. Garda Vetting: Candidates successful at Interview will be required to undergo Garda Vetting, which will be directly arranged by Cork County Council.
PARTICULARS OF EMPLOYMENT 1. The employment is part-time. Panels may be used to fill permanent and temporary vacancies. 2. New entrant retained fire fighters who commence on or after 1 January 2013 will be members of the Single Public Service Pension Scheme (SPSPS), as established by the Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and other Provisions) Act 2012. The Single Scheme does not provide for a Retained Fire fighters Gratuity. New Entrants will pay superannuation contributions each quarter, with SPSPS pension lump sum and pension payable on retirement, subject to certain conditions. 3. Retained Fire-fighters must retire (on their birthday) upon reaching the age-limit for the employment. (Currently 55 years of age and up to 62 subject to conditions). 4. A successful candidate will only be offered employment on a probationary basis as a Retained Fire-fighter subject to satisfactory completion of the following courses:- (a) Firefighting Skills Course This course is a full-time, three-week course, which will be held in Ireland and will involve staying away from home on a Monday to Friday basis for the three weeks. (b) Breathing Apparatus Course This course is of a full-time nature, of two weeks duration and is held outside the county. (c) Compartment Fire Behaviour Training Course This course is of one week duration, normally held outside of the County. (d) Occupational First Aid Course This course is of a full-time nature, normally three days duration and is held within the County. (e) Class C HGV driving licence. N.B. The above does not preclude the Council from offering temporary employment but failure to complete either of the above courses satisfactorily will result in termination of employment. 5. Subject to compliance with the Conditions of item 4 (immediate preceding), the employment is subject to a probationary period of one year and will be terminable by the giving of one weeks notice by either side during that period. After the employment has been confirmed, it will be terminable at any stage on the giving of the required notice by either side under the Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Act, 1973. or without notice in circumstances justifying immediate dismissal. 6. Please note that due to the requirement for firefighters to wear Breathing Apparatus all facial growth below the line of the upper lip must be removed, i.e. beards. etc. 7. Retained Fire-fighters must be prepared to attend other courses which may be held in Ireland or the UK. 8. AVAILABILITY: Based on an annual 52 weeks, excluding 4 weeks annual leave, Retained Firefighters will be required to be available and attend alerts 24 weeks in the year on a week on/week off basis. Across the 24 weeks where a Retained Firefighter is rostered-off they can, if they so wish, attend incidents. In the event of occasional unavoidable absence of one rostered member for part of his /her week, it is the responsibility of the rostered member to arrange cover for the period of his/her absence with an available (off duty) member. This agreement has to be notified and agreed with by the Station Officer of Sub-Station Officer in advance. This is to guarantee that the Station Officer is in a position to ensure that the minimum manning levels for each station are met before any cover arrangement can be approved. Retained Firefighters must normally reside and work in the town where the Brigade is located and in such a proximity to the Fire Station which will allow him/her to respond within the turnout time set by the Chief Fire Officer (current requirement is a target timeframe of five minutes for the first appliance to leave the station). It is necessary that he/she be released from his/her normal employment on the occasions that attendance at incidents demands such release. Changes of residence or workplace must be notified in writing to the Chief Fire Officer. Failure to do so may result in termination of employment as a Firefighter. Any change of residence or place of work that puts the Firefighter at a distance or turnout times more than that permitted by the Chief Fire Officer from the Fire Station or to a location unacceptable to the Chief Fire Officer will result in termination of employment as a Firefighter. The Council may at its discretion, prior to employing any qualified candidate, seek appropriate evidence as to the availability of such person to fulfil the duties of this position. 9. Annual leave - Four weeks annual leave per annum in addition to the annual payment of the retainer. Furthermore, payment for annual leave is confirmed as being 8% of earnings. These earnings will be calculated on the basis of the previous year’s earnings excluding the retainer, clothing allowance and payment for annual leave and public holiday leave in the previous year. The payment for annual leave will be made when employees take annual leave as part of the fortnightly pay cycle. 10. Members of brigades shall be subject to such rules and regulations as may be issued from time to time. It should be particularly noted that Retained Fire-fighters must, in the matter of drills, attendance at fires or in other emergencies, comply strictly with the orders and discretion of the Station Officer, or in his absence, such other Brigade Member as maybe in charge. Any Retained Fire-fighter guilty of infringement of this regulation will be dismissed. Generally, members of all brigades will be under the general control and supervision of the Chief Fire Officer, Senior Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Senior Executive Fire Officer, Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Assistant Fire Officer or other appropriate officer as the case may be. While on duty, Retained Fire-fighters shall use the clothing and personal equipment provided by the Council and same shall be left in the Station immediately after the cessation of duty. Retained Fire-fighters may not use such clothing and equipment save while on duty. Retained Fire-fighters must comply fully with safety policy and directives in force from time to time. 11. Rostering of Retained Fire-fighters will take place at the Council’s discretion. 12. RATE OF PAY: Retainer (Annual Amounts) 01/03/2025 Retained Fire Fighter On recruitment €14,523 2-4 Years €15,515 5-7 Years €16,739 8+ €17,854 13. Attendance at Incidents An Annual review will be undertaken in December each year to identify stations with low incident mobilisation. Where such levels fall below 75 hours in a calendar year, an adjustment payment will be made to each firefighter to provide for a minimum annual payment of 75 hours. This payment will be calculated on a pro rata basis for any new entrants in a calendar year. 14. Attendance at Drills Drills take place on-station 3 times a month at regular intervals (36 drills annually) and are of two and a half hours duration. There is an obligation on firefighters to attend 85% of drills annually. The Retaining Fee will not normally be paid to any member who has failed to attend at least 85% of drills during the quarter, the decision on which if appropriate is at the discretion of the Chief Fire Officer. N.B. The Council reserves the right to alter the frequency duration of drills at its discretion. 15. ELIGIBILITY TO WORK IN IRELAND Please note that in order to work in Ireland, a non-EEA National, unless they are exempted, must hold a valid Employment Permit. Should you be successful in the selection process, prior to appointment you will be required to confirm that you are in possession of same. Details of the process for you to apply for a work permit are available on the following website;
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