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Retained Firefighter

Clare County CouncilClarePart-time

EDUCATION: Firefighters must have attained a satisfactory level of education to enable them to perform satisfactorily as a Firefighter and to successfully undergo the appropriate training. CHARACTER: A Firefighter must be of good character and shall not at any time bring the County Council into disrepute. Employment will be subject to the provision of satisfactory references and Garda Vetting. AGE: A Firefighter must be not less than 18 years on the first day of the month in which the latest date for receiving application forms occurs. A birth certificate must be submitted to the County Council as proof of age before a person is engaged as a recruit. RETIREMENT: The normal retirement age is 55. On reaching 55 years of age or sooner, if found to be medically unfit, a Firefighter shall cease to be a Firefighter. Firefighters who would be physically capable of working beyond age 55 will have the option to continue working for a defined limited period, subject to compulsory medical examination on an annual basis assessed on the basis of set medical standards. The extended period will be to the maximum age of 60 subject to annual compulsory assessment under the Occupational Health Scheme. HEALTH: A Firefighter shall be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service. Medical Examination, etc.: Before recruitment, in order to ascertain the health of a candidate, successful applicants shall undergo such medical examinations (which may include x-ray and/or other special tests) as the County Council considers necessary. The County Council will nominate the medical examiners. The candidate must comply, at their own expense, with such remedial requirements as the County Council consider necessary.

An Operational Firefighter shall: - 1. Agree to participate in the Occupational Health Scheme for Retained Firefighters in operation by Clare County Council; and 2. At any time, if requested by the County Council, undergo such medical examination(s) by medical examiner (s) as nominated by the County Council; and 3. Attend medical examinations in accordance with the frequency set down in the Occupational Health Scheme for Retained Firefighters as issued by the (LGMA) to Local Authorities Any defects discovered pertaining to a medical examination will not be remedied at the County Council's expense. Retention as an operational Firefighter will depend upon receipt of satisfactory reports by medical examiner(s) and to the general condition above as to health. An operational Firefighter is required to maintain an appropriate level of physical fitness.

RESIDENCE: Persons appointed must live and work within a maximum of 5 minutes travel time (based on GPS navigation planner e.g. Google maps or similar as determined by Clare County Council) to allow them to respond for the duration of their employment as a Firefighter. The Council retains the right to request further evidence, if required on the information supplied, for the purpose of verification of place of residence and location of employment. A Firefighter shall notify the County Council in writing of any subsequent changes of residence or place of employment. A change of residence or place of employment that would place the Firefighter outside these limits will mean automatic termination of employment. The Council will check this prior to appointment and at periodic intervals after appointment.

OTHER EMPLOYMENT: Written evidence must be provided from the employer as to availability prior to appointment, and the County Council in its sole discretion, shall decide as to whether the availability as so provided is acceptable. If the Firefighter's primary employer subsequently changes their conditions of employment and does not allow the Firefighter to attend fire calls / drills during working hours, employment will be terminated. Self-employed must also provide written evidence as to availability prior to appointment. Such written evidence must cover a candidate's availability for initial training and for fire and other calls, drills, training and such other duties which the Firefighter may be required by the County Council to perform.

DRIVING LICENCE: A recruit Firefighter shall possess a valid full current Category B Driving Licence at the time of applying for the post and ideally a Category C Driving Licence for HGV with up to eight passengers. All newly appointed Retained Firefighters will be required to obtain a Category C Driving Licence. Firefighters will co-operate with further Driver Training and will be required to drive fire service vehicles, if operationally needed. If a Firefighter has their licence suspended or removed for any reason, they must immediately inform the County Council, and it shall be dealt with through the GARDA VETTING: The successful candidate will be subject to the Garda Vetting Procedures in line with the provisions of the National Vetting Bureau (Children & Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 to 2016 as appropriate (or any subsequent amendments to the legislation mentioned) in advance of appointment and on a periodic basis thereafter for the duration of their employment.

ANNUAL LEAVE: The terms of the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997 shall apply. A Firefighter’s annual leave entitlement will be calculated in accordance with the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 and S.I. 473 of 2001 Regulations. A Firefighter is entitled to a maximum of 4 working weeks i.e. 28 days. Payment for annual leave will be 8% of earnings inclusive of community fire safety, station duties, drill hours, training hours and calls in previous 52 weeks. A Firefighter will be required to comply with the terms of the Crew Management Arrangements for Retained Firefighters as operated by Clare County Council. In cases of Annual Leave, advance notice must be given to the Station Officer or in their absence, to the Sub-Officer in advance of the first day of Annual Leave. Approval of annual leave will be subject to minimum crewing levels being maintained at station level. Each Firefighter must use their leave sheet or other means to record such annual leave absences.


(a) A Firefighter shall be required to attend at fires and other emergencies, drills, displays and other duties at such times and for such periods as required by the County Council. Failure to respond promptly to fire or other emergency calls will be addressed through the Local Authority’s disciplinary procedure. (b) Each Firefighter who attends for Fire Brigade service must be prepared to accept the work entailed and to fulfil to the best of their ability their duty as a Firefighter in the saving of life, saving of property and the fighting of fires or other such emergencies. (c) Every Firefighter must comply with Clare County Council’s Crew Management Arrangements for Retained Firefighters. Firefighters who are on standby during fires or other incidents shall remain at the Station and perform such duties as may be assigned by the Station Officer from time to time during the callout. (d) Firefighters shall ensure that the Fire Station is kept clean & tidy at all times. Firefighting equipment shall be kept clean, maintained properly and stowed away in a safe manner. (e) Firefighters are required to adhere to and co-operate with all National and Local Agreements pertaining to the Fire Services. (f) Firefighters will be required to attend Training Courses as directed. (g) Firefighters must undertake driving duties as required. (h) Comply with all organisational policies, procedures and legislation. (i) Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time. CLOTHING / EQUIPMENT: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) relevant to the role of the Firefighter shall be issued and replaced in accordance with the Clare County Council’s Fire Service PPE Policy. Each Firefighter on appointment shall be issued with appropriate clothing and equipment. While on duty a Firefighter shall use the clothing and personal equipment provided by the Council and same should be left in the fire station immediately after cessation of duty. The above PPE and equipment shall be stored in the Fire Station and the Firefighter shall respond to the Fire Station to change into their fire kit. Each Firefighter shall be responsible for their issue of clothing etc., and items lost or damaged due to the Firefighter's fault, shall be replaced at the Firefighter's expense, by deduction of the cost from fees etc. due to them. Each Firefighter on appointment shall also be issued with an alerter by the Council. The Firefighter shall carry the alerter at all times when on duty and shall not give it to any other person. They must maintain the alerter in good working condition and shall report any defects to the Station Officer / Sub Officer. The alerter is the responsibility of each Firefighter. The cost of repair of any damage to or replacement cost in the event of the loss of the alerter will be borne by the Firefighter. A Firefighter shall return to the Council on request, and in any event upon the termination of employment, all property and equipment belonging to the Council which are in their possession or under their control.

REGULATIONS FOR FIRE BRIGADE PERSONNEL 1. Every member must report for duty with the utmost speed on notification of a fire call. The onus of arranging to receive call out alarm shall rest with members. 2. Every member must remain at duty until: (a) the fire has been extinguished and the brigade has returned to the station, and the equipment has been carefully and properly stored away, and the party dismissed by the officer in charge. (b) dismissed by the officer in charge. (c) relieved by another member on the order of the officer in charge. 3. No member shall leave their post unless the prior approval of the officer in charge is obtained, and no member shall relieve another member without the prior approval of the officer in charge. 4. Fire-fighters are responsible for carrying fire-fighting/emergency duties under the direction of the officers and for the carrying out of such other orders as may be given them from time to time by an officer either in writing or verbally. 5. Any member of the fire brigade who: (a) fails to carry out their duties in a smart and efficient manner; (b) fails to take proper care of their equipment; (c) fails to carry out an order from a superior officer given either verbally or in writing; (d) causes any damage to premises or equipment through carelessness; (e) adopts a negative or obstructional attitude likely to interfere with the smooth and efficient working of the brigade; (f) attempts to introduce issues which have no bearing on fire brigade duties; (g) attempts directly or indirectly to intimidate any member into any particular action against their will may be dealt with through Clare County Council’s disciplinary procedures. 6. Each member of the fire brigade shall, while engaged on fire brigade duties, at fires, practice, travelling to or from fires, and while on the fire brigade premises carry out their duties in a smart and efficient manner. Any breach of this may be dealt with through Clare County Council’s disciplinary procedures.

7. Any member of the fire brigade who through illness, holidays or other reason will be unavailable for fire brigade duty for a period of time shall send notice of the fact in writing to their superior officer. 8. Each member must agree to the introduction of any new technology and agree to implement any new technology if directed by the County Council. Retainer Allowance: €13,023.00 - €16,354.00 per year

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