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Machinery Yard, HGV Fitter Mechanic

Offaly County CouncilOffaly€759.89 - €879.56 per weekFull-time


The successful candidate shall report to the Machinery Yard Fitter Foreman, or another appropriate person as determined by the Council from time to time.

The Council will assign duties to the successful candidate that is consistent with the agreed role description for this position. A non-exhaustive list of duties is provided below:

·       Undertake fitter duties both on and off site, including roadside breakdowns as required and to work in any of the premises used by Offaly County Council, including any other premises that may be acquired in the future.

·       Implement and fully comply with the Safety, Health and Welfare systems of Offaly County Council.

·       Be responsible for the safe keeping of all store parts and equipment.

·       Inspect vehicles and plant, and related equipment, determine and carry out necessary maintenance work on vehicles and plant, including, welding, body repair and use of diagnostics equipment.

·       Carefully maintain records, on all maintenance and repair work performed, and fully adhere to any management system (including information technology) that is in place / introduced by Offaly County Council.

·       Respond to and be available for out-of-hours service callouts as rotated by the Machinery Yard.

·       Driving of service van in the course of his/her duties.

·       Working at height and/or working within confined spaces in the course of his/her duties.

·       Operate any machinery, appliances, equipment and associated items as required including operating existing technology and any new technology that may be introduced in the future and be responsible for such items under his/her control.

·       Carry out any other relevant duties as assigned by the Machinery Yard Fitter Foreman or other nominated person.

Attendance at training courses as appropriate.


Key Competencies for the post include the following and candidates will be expected to demonstrate sufficient evidence within their application form of competence under each of these. Please take particular note of these when completing the application form as any short-listing or interview processes will be based on the information provided by candidates:

Candidates for the position of Fitter Mechanic must be able to demonstrate that they have the following skills:

Personal Effectiveness

·       Be proactive and open to take on new challenges.

·       Manage your time and work efficiently.

·       Maintain a positive and enthusiastic attitude to your role.


·       Have good communication skills.

·       Keep records of maintenance and repair jobs.

Delivering Results

·       Have good problem solving skills.

·       Work as part of a team.

·       Provide high quality workmanship.

·       Have good attention to detail.

Knowledge & Experience in HGV’s and/or Construction Mechanics


1. Character

Candidates shall be of good character.

2.      Health

Each candidate must be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.

Successful candidates will be required to undergo a medical examination carried out by the Council’s Occupational Medical advisor prior to appointment.

3.     Education, Training, Experience, etc.

Each candidate must, on the latest date for receipt of completed application forms –

·       Have a good standard of general education.

·       Have completed and passed all phases of a recognised apprenticeship in HGV Mechanics or Construction Plant Fitter or shall be currently in the process of completing the final phase of a recognised apprenticeship in HGV Mechanics or Construction Plant Fitter (such apprenticeships shall be a minimum of QQI Level 6).

·       Have a current Class B license.

The following is desirable but not essential:

·       Hold a current Safe Pass Card

·       Hold a current Class C license

·       Hold a Forklift licence

·       Have experience in Safety, Health & Welfare at Work and maintaining H&S records.

·       Have experience in recording plant maintenance and repair records.

·       Have experience working on own initiative in a demanding work environment.

·       Have experience in repair and maintenance of a wide range of vehicles including but not limited to:

o   Heavy and light plant.

o   HCV and LCV vehicles.

·       Have knowledge and experience of modern vehicle systems including but not limited to:

o   AdBlue, EGR and other emissions systems.

o   Auto electrics, electronics and CAN bus systems.

o   Hydraulics and pneumatics.

·       Experience in welding techniques such as MIG, ARC, brazing and soldering.

·       Experience in the use of Computers & Diagnostic equipment

·       Have knowledge and experience in RSA requirements for maintaining, diagnosing and repairing of HCV and LCV’s for CVRT and vehicle maintenance and repair.

4.     Citizenship:

Candidates must, by the date of any job offer, be:

                i.          A citizen of the European Economic Area (EEA). The EEA consists of the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway; or

              ii.          A citizen of the United Kingdom (UK); or

            iii.          A citizen of Switzerland pursuant to the agreement between the EU and Switzerland on the free movement of persons; or

             iv.          A non-EEA citizen who is a spouse or child of an EEA or UK or Swiss citizen and has a stamp 4 visa; or

               v.          A person awarded international protection under the International Protection Act 2015 or any family member entitled to remain in the State as a result of family reunification and has a stamp 4 visa  or

             vi.          A non-EEA citizen who is a parent of a dependent child who is a citizen of, and resident in, an EEA member state or the UK or Switzerland and has a stamp 4 visa


1.     The Post:

The post is permanent, whole-time and pensionable. A panel will be formed for an initial period of one year and this may be extended for a further year at the discretion of the Chief Executive. The panel will be used to fill appropriate positions that may arise for its duration. Positions will be offered in order of merit as per the panel.

2.     Salary:

The salary shall be fully inclusive and shall be as determined from time to time.  Holders of the post will be paid at the appropriate point on the salary scale in accordance with the relevant Department Circular.   Starting pay for new entrants will be at the minimum of the scale.  Where the appointee has been serving elsewhere in the public service in an analogous grade and pay-scale and will be moving without break to another part of the public sector at an analogous grade, the appointment may be made at the appointee’s current point of scale.  The rate of remuneration may be adjusted from time to time in line with Government pay.

The current salary scale applicable to the post is as of June 1st 2024:

€759.89 - €879.56 per week

3.     Duties:

The duties of the post are to give to the local authority, and

a)     such other local authorities or bodies for which the Chief Executive, for the purposes of the Local Government Acts 2001 and 2014, is Chief Executive, and

b)    to any other local authority or body with which an agreement has been made by the local authority, or by any of the authorities or bodies mentioned in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph under the general direction and supervision of the Chief executive or such other employee as the Chief Executive may from time to time determine, such appropriate services of an executive, administrative or management nature as may be required by any local authority or body herein before mentioned in the exercise and performance of any of its powers, functions and duties to exercise such powers, functions and duties as may be delegated to him/her by the Chief Executive from time to time, including the duty of servicing all committees that may be established by any such local authority or body. The post holder will, if required, act for an employee of a higher level. The post holder may be required to work outside his/her normal job description from time to time.

4. Work Base:

Offaly County Council reserves the right to assign you to any department or premises in use by the Council, now or in the future. Changes in location of employment will not result in payment of disturbance money or other compensation. The person appointed will be required to provide him/herself at his/her own expense with the necessary mode of travel to and from work.

5. Working Hours:

The working hours at present provide for a five day, thirty-nine hours working week, hours may vary from time to time.

The working hours may be reviewed at any time by the Council. The post may require flexibility in working outside of normal hours, including at weekends, as necessary. No additional remunertation will be paid in respect of such activities.

The provisions of Offaly County Council’s Time and Attendance Policy is applicable to this grade at the current time.

6. Annual Leave:

The current annual leave entitlement is 24 days. Granting of annual leave, payment for annual leave and arrangement for public holidays will be governed by the provisions of the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997 (as amended)

7. Sick Leave:

The terms of the Public Service Sick Pay Scheme will prevail.

8. Probation:

Appointees will be on probation for the first year of employment. The terms of the Offaly County Council Probation Policy will apply.

9. Superannuation:

Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012: New members joining the Public Sector on or after 1st January, 2013 will be required to join the Single Public Service Pension Scheme. The Single Scheme applies to all pensionable first-time entrants to the Public Service as well as to former public servants returning to the public service after a break of more than 26 weeks. A rate of PRSI contribution will be required in respect of their superannuation to contribute to the local authority at the rate of 3% of their pensionable remuneration plus 3.5%, of net pensionable remuneration (i.e. pensionable remuneration less twice the annual rate of social insurance old age contributory pension payable at the maximum rate to a person with no adult dependant or qualified children). This includes a contribution to a Spouse’s and Children’s Scheme. Pension and retirement lump sum based on career-average pay, pensions will be co-ordinated with the State Pension Contributory (SPC).

For persons who commenced public sector employment prior to 1st January 2013: Persons who become pensionable employees of a local authority who are liable to pay the Class A rate of PRSI contribution will be required in respect of their superannuation to contribute to the local authority at the rate of 1.5% of their pensionable remuneration plus 3.5% of net pensionable remuneration (ie. pensionable remuneration less twice the annual rate of social insurance old age contributory pension payable at the maximum rate to a person with no adult dependent or qualified children).

Persons who become pensionable employees of a local authority who are liable to pay the Class D rate of PRSI contribution will be required in respect of their superannuation to contribute to the local authority at the rate of 5% of their pensionable remuneration.

All persons who become pensionable employees of a local authority will be required in respect of the Local Government (Spouses and Childrens Contributory Pension) Scheme to contribute to the local authority at the rate of 1.5% of their pensionable remuneration in accordance with the terms of the scheme.

10. Retirement:

Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012: The compulsory retirement age for new entrants as defined by the Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012 is 70 years. Minimum pension age of 66 years, rising to 67 years and 68 years in line with State Pension age changes, is applicable.

Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2004:

There is no mandatory retirement age for ‘New Entrants’ from 1st April, 2004 to the public service as defined in the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004. 65 years is the minimum age at which a person may be paid. As a new entrant to the public service, under the terms of this legislation, new entrants will not be required to retire on grounds of age.

Anyone who is not a ‘New Entrant’ to the public service, defined in the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004 is subject to compulsory retirement age of 65 years.

11. Travel:

Holders of the post shall hold a full driving licence for class B vehicles and shall drive a motor car in the course of their duties and for this purpose, provide and maintain a car to the satisfaction of the local authority. Travelling expenses and subsistence expenses necessarily incurred in the course of official duties will be refunded in accordance with appropriate rates in line with the relevant Department circulars and Local Authority Travel and Subsistence Policy.

Offaly County Council, as employer, must be indemnified on your insurance policy. If during your employment, your licence is revoked, even temporarily, or if you receive endorsements on your licence, which may affect your duties, you are obliged to notify the Council immediately.

12. Taking Up Appointment:

Offaly County Council shall require a person to whom an appointment is offered to take up such appointment within a period of four weeks and if he/she fails to take up the appointment within such period or such longer period as the local authority in its absolute discretion may determine, the local authority shall not appoint him/her.

13. Recruitment & Selection Processes:


Normally the number of applications received for a position exceeds that required to fill existing and future vacancies to the position.  While a candidate may meet the eligibility requirements of the competition, if the numbers applying for the position are such that it would not be practical to interview everyone, Offaly County Council may decide that a number only will be invited to same.  In this respect, Offaly County Council provide for the employment of a short listing process to select a group for interview who, based on an examination of the application forms, appear to be the most suitable for the position based on the specific competencies identified in the job description.  An expert board will examine the application forms against a pre-determined criteria based on the requirements of the position.  This is not to suggest that other candidates are necessarily unsuitable or incapable of undertaking the job, rather that there are some candidates, who based on their application, appear to be better qualified and/or have more relevant experience.  It is therefore in your own interest to provide a detailed and accurate account of your relevant qualifications/ experience on the application form.   On occasions a short listing interview may take place.

Competitive Interview:

Selection will be by means of a competition based on an interview conducted by or on behalf of the local authority.  The number of persons to be invited shall be determined by the Local Authority having regard to the likely number of vacancies to be filled.  Candidates will be required to pay any expenses incurred by them in attending the interview.

A panel may be formed on the basis of such interview.  Candidates whose names are on a panel and who satisfy the local authority that they possess the qualifications declared for the post and that they are otherwise suitable for appointment may within the life of the panel be appointed as appropriate vacancies arise.

Right to Review:

Offaly County Council’s Recruitment & Selection Policy document is available from the Human Resources Department on the HR page of iPortal or on our website at . This document includes details of the review procedure available to applicants for each stage of the recruitment process.


14. Health:

Where a permanent post is being filled, it will be necessary for each successful candidate, before he/she is appointed, to undergo, at their expense, a medical examination by the local authority’s Occupational Health Medical Advisor. On taking up appointment, the expense of the Medical Examination will be refunded to the candidate.

15. Residence:

The holder of the post shall reside in the district in which his/her duties are to be performed or within a reasonable distance thereof.

16. Safety & Welfare:

The holder of the post shall co-operate with the terms of Offaly County Council’s Safety Statement and Major Emergency Plan. He/she shall familiarise him/herself with the safety rules and procedures and make proper use of all safety, clothing and equipment. Failure to comply with the terms of the Safety Statement may result in a disciplinary action.

If required, the successful candidate shall wear protective clothing and have on his/her person at all times a valid SafePass card. Should he/she not hold a valid SafePass card, a course shall be undertaken to attain the card.

17. Training:

It is a condition of employment that successful candidates will be required to participate in training programmes relevant to the skills necessary for the performance of the duties attaching to the post.

18. Reference/Documentary Evidence:

Each candidate may be required to submit as references, the names and addresses of two responsible persons to whom he/she is well known but not related, at least one of whom must be a former/current employer. Candidates may be required to submit documentary evidence to the local authority in support of their application.

The admission of a person to a competition or invitation to attend an interview, is not to be taken as implying that Offaly County Council is satisfied that such person fulfils the requirements of the competition or is not disqualified by law from holding the position and does not carry a guarantee that your application will receive further consideration. It is important, therefore, for you to note that the onus is on you to ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements for the competition before attending for interview. If you do not meet the essential entry requirement but nevertheless attend for interview you will be putting yourself to unnecessary expense. Prior to recommending any candidate for appointment to this position Offaly County Council will make all such enquiries that are deemed necessary to determine the suitability of the candidate.

19. Garda Vetting/Child Protection:

Successful candidates may be subject to Garda Vetting and Child Protection Procedures in advance of appointment to the position.

20. Canvassing

Any attempt by a candidate, or by any person(s) acting at the candidate’s instigation, directly or indirectly, by means of written communication or otherwise influence in the candidate’s favour, any member or employee of the Council or person nominated by the County Council to interview or examine applicants, will automatically disqualify the candidate for the position being sought.

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