Human Resource Manager

The HSEMayo€79,847 - €96,305 per yearFull-timePermanent

Reporting Relationship

The post holder will report directly to the Hospital Manager with professional reporting relationship to the Director of People, West North West Region.

Key Working Relationships

The HR Manager will have key working relationships with Service Managers within Mayo University Hospital and National HR and Health Business Services in delivery of the objectives of the role.

The proper execution of duties will involve the development of appropriate communication arrangements with key stakeholders both internal and external

Purpose of the Post

The post holder is responsible for the delivery and implementation of a range of generalist HR services within Mayo University Hospital and the provision of advice and guidance on HR and ER issues in order to support Mayo University Hospital in the achievement of its business objectives.

Providing guidance on the broad HR strategy and policy direction and governance on people related matters to influence, monitor and support the changing structure and workforce with a focus on change management, leadership and development support.

Provide HR support and guidance in the delivery of the organisational strategy in line with government policy and the Health Services People Strategy to ensure the orderly and integrated development of services within Mayo University Hospital.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

·      The post holder will support the principle that care of the patient comes first at all times and will approach their work with the flexibility and enthusiasm necessary to make this principle a reality for every patient to the greatest possible degree

·      Maintain awareness of the primacy of the patient in relation to all hospital activities.

·      Performance management systems are part of the role and you will be required to participate in the hospital performance management programme

Operational Management

·      Provide expert HR and ER support, direction and guidance on all HR policies and procedures to managers and staff working within Mayo University Hospital to ensure compliance with best practice and legislation which includes attending meetings with trade unions and staff representatives

·      Participate in the Region HR Strategy and processes, liaising with the Director of People and Region HR Colleagues as appropriate.

·      Attend third party hearings as required with Region Employee Relations Manager

·      Work with the various HR services provided by Health Business Services to ensure that the needs of MUH are being met and delivered in an effective and efficient way

·      Lead the implementation of the European Working Time Directive across all services and staff within MUH.

·      Participate in Union engagement meetings

·      Put in place a mechanism to provide communication to and feedback from all staff and services within MUH on the effectiveness of HR in all areas and work with HR colleagues to action feedback including the voluntary providers

Leadership & Direction

·      Work with the Hospital Manager and Director of People to ensure HR supports the organisational design parameters to be applied to the new evolving structures where consistency, affordability and best fit will be applied to the design

·      Ensure the implementation of the organisation’s Human Resource Strategy in support of the efficient and effective development and deployment of human resources within the Division to achieve its business objectives.

·      Provide leadership in the area of change management to ensure the HR policies, programmes and activities are aligned to the Regional Health Area goals.

·      Assist in the development and implementation of strategies that promotes the HSE as an employer of choice to attract the highest calibre of staff with the appropriate skill mix

·      Assist in the development of an organisational culture that values people, their skills, ideas and contribution and genuinely seeks to empower individuals

Governance & Accountability

·      Ensure that the agreed HR standards, practices, policies and procedures are in operation across the Division in line with Government Policy and the wider civil and public sector reform

·      Contribute to the national agendas on HR matters as appropriate

·      Act as a spokesperson for the organisation in line with the organisation’s Communication Plan as required

·      Demonstrate pro-active commitment to all communications with internal and external stakeholders


·      Have a working knowledge of the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) Standards as they apply to the role for example, Standards for Healthcare, National Standards for the Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infections, Hygiene Standards etc. and comply with associated HSE protocols for implementing and maintaining these standards as appropriate to the role.

·      To support, promote and actively participate in sustainable energy, water and waste initiatives to create a more sustainable, low carbon and efficient health service.


·      The identification and development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which are congruent with the Hospital’s service plan targets.

·      The development of Action Plans to address KPI targets.

·      Driving and promoting a Performance Management culture.

·      In conjunction with line manager assist in the development of a Performance Management system for your profession.

·      The management and delivery of KPIs as a routine and core business objective.


·      Employees must attend fire lectures annually and must observe fire orders.

·      All accidents within the Department must be reported immediately.

·      Infection Control Policies must be adhered to.

·      In line with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Acts 2005 and 2010 all staff must comply with all safety regulations and audits.

·      In line with the Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Act 2004, smoking within the Hospital Buildings is not permitted.

·      Hospital uniform code must be adhered to.

·      Provide information that meets the need of Senior Management.

·      To support, promote and actively participate in sustainable energy, water and waste initiatives to create a more sustainable, low carbon and efficient health service

Risk Management, Infection Control, Hygiene Services and Health & Safety

·      The management of Risk, Infection Control, Hygiene Services and Health & Safety is the responsibility of everyone and will be achieved within a progressive, honest and open environment.

·      The post holder must be familiar with the necessary education, training and support to enable them to meet this responsibility.

·      The post holder has a duty to familiarise themselves with the relevant Organisational Policies, Procedures & Standards and attend training as appropriate in the following areas:

o   Continuous Quality Improvement Initiatives

o   Document Control Information Management Systems

o   Risk Management Strategy and Policies

o   Hygiene Related Policies, Procedures and Standards

o   Decontamination Code of Practice

o   Infection Control Policies

o   Safety Statement, Health & Safety Policies and Fire Procedure

o   Data Protection and confidentiality Policies

·      The post holder is responsible for ensuring that they become familiar with the requirements stated within the Risk Management Strategy and that they comply with the Region’s Risk Management Incident/Near miss reporting Policies and Procedures.

·      The post holder is responsible for ensuring that they comply with hygiene services requirements in your area of responsibility. Hygiene Services incorporates environment and facilities, hand hygiene, catering, cleaning, the management of laundry, waste, sharps and equipment.

·      The post holder must foster and support a quality improvement culture through-out your area of responsibility in relation to hygiene services.

·      The post holders’ responsibility for Quality & Risk Management, Hygiene Services and Health & Safety will be clarified to you in the induction process and by your line manager.

·      The post holder must take reasonable care for his or her own actions and the effect that these may have upon the safety of others.

·      The post holder must cooperate with management, attend Health & Safety related training and not undertake any task for which they have not been authorised and adequately trained.

·      The post holder is required to bring to the attention of a responsible person any perceived shortcoming in our safety arrangements or any defects in work equipment.

·      It is the post holder’s responsibility to be aware of and comply with the HSE Health Care Records Management/Integrated Discharge Planning (HCRM / IDP) Code of Practice.

The above Job Specification is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties involved and consequently, the post holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to them from time to time and to contribute to the development of the post while in office.

Eligibility Criteria

Qualifications and/ or experience

Candidates must have at the latest date of application:

·      Significant similar senior human resource management experience encompassing workforce planning, recruitment, employee/ industrial relations, performance management, succession planning, HR data/ KPI’s, training and development.

·      Experience of working with multiple trade unions and negotiating with trade unions.

·      Strong working knowledge of HR and IT systems – SAP, MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint

·      Strong working knowledge of employment law

·      Excellent report writing and communication skills with technical ability to present data in a timely and professional manner

·      Candidates must possess the requisite knowledge and ability, including a high standard of suitability, for the proper discharge of the office.

·      A relevant third level qualification would be advantageous


A candidate for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable of undertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.


Each candidate for and any person holding the office must be of good character.

Other requirements specific to the post

·        Have access to appropriate transport to fulfil the requirements of the role.

·        Flexibility with regard to working hours so demands of the post will be met

Skills, competencies and/or knowledge

 Candidates must:

Professional Knowledge & Experience


·      Good understanding of all aspects of HR, both policy and operational, preferably in a large and complex organisation and HSE Health Regions Patient- focused integrated care outcomes for service users and patients.

·      Understanding of Public Sector policy, both strategic HR e.g. People’s Strategy and operational reform e.g. Community Healthcare Organisations – Report and Recommendations of the Integrated Service Area Review Region’

·      Detailed knowledge of the issues, developments and current thinking in relation to HR best practice in health care.

·      Knowledge of public service recruitment policies, legislation and CPSA obligations

·      Knowledge of the health service including a good knowledge of HSE reform

·      Strong ICT skills including MS Office & MS Excel and use of email

·      Significant experience of working in a Human Resources role which has included implementing HR Policies and Procedures, Employee Relations, Absence Management, Performance Management and provision of HR advisory service

·      Experience of dealing with Industrial Relations matters including negotiations with staff and staff representative Regions in relation to personnel matters

Managing & Delivering Results (Operational Excellence)


·      Excellent organisational and time management skills to meet objectives within agreed timeframes and achieve quality results A proven ability to prioritise, organise and schedule a wide variety of tasks and to manage competing demands and tight deadlines while consistently maintaining high standards and positive working relationships.

·      A capacity to operate successfully in a challenging environment while adhering to various standards.

·      The ability to seek and seize opportunities that are beneficial to achieving organisation goals and strives to improve service delivery

Commitment to a Quality Service


·      A client user and customer focus in the delivery of services

·      An ability to cope with competing demands without a diminution in performance

·      Places strong emphasis on achieving high standards of excellence

·      A core belief in and passion for the sustainable delivery of high quality customer focused services.

Critical Analysis, Problem Solving & Decision Making


·      The ability to evaluate complex information from a variety of sources and make effective decisions

·      Significant experience in effective operational problem solving utilising an inclusive approach which fosters learning and self-reliance amongst teams

·      The ability to consider the range of options available, involve other parties at the appropriate time and level, to make balanced and timely decisions

·      Considers the impact of decisions before taking action

Building & Maintaining Relationships including Leadership, Direction and Team Working skills


·      Excellent interpersonal and communications skills to facilitate work with a wide range of individuals and Regions.

·      The ability to lead, direct and influence multiple stakeholders and ensure buy-in to plans and their implementation.

·      A track record of building and maintaining key internal and external relationships in achieving organisational goals.

·      An ability to influence and negotiate effectively in furthering the objectives of the role.

·      Effective conflict management skills

·      Effective leadership in a challenging and busy environment including a track record of innovation/ improvements.

·      Ability to support, supervise, develop and empower staff in changing work practises in a challenging environment within existing resources.

·      Evidence of being a positive agent of change and performance improvement

·      Ability to work with multi-disciplinary team members and other stakeholders to facilitate high performance, developing and achieving clear and realistic objectives

·      Flexibility and adaptability to meet the requirements of the role

Communication & Interpersonal Skills


·      The ability to present information clearly, concisely and confidently when speaking and in writing tailoring to meet the needs of the audience

·      Excellent written communication skills including the ability to produce professional reports.

Campaign Specific Selection Process

Ranking/Shortlisting / Interview

A ranking and or shortlisting exercise may be carried out on the basis of information supplied in your application form. The criteria for ranking and or shortlisting are based on the requirements of the post as outlined in the eligibility criteria and skills, competencies and/or knowledge section of this job specification. Therefore it is very important that you think about your experience in light of those requirements.

Failure to include information regarding these requirements may result in you not being called forward to the next stage of the selection process.

Those successful at the ranking stage of this process (where applied) will be placed on an order of merit and will be called to interview in ‘bands’ depending on the service needs of the organisation.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

The HSE is an equal opportunities employer.

Employees of the HSE bring a range of skills, talents, diverse thinking and experience to the organisation. The HSE believes passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to its success – we aim to develop the workforce of the HSE so that it reflects the diversity of HSE service users and to strengthen it through accommodating and valuing different perspectives. Ultimately this will result in improved service user and employee experience. 

The HSE is committed to creating a positive working environment whereby all employees inclusive of age, civil status, disability, ethnicity and race, family status, gender, membership of the Traveller community, religion and sexual orientation are respected, valued and can reach their full potential. The HSE aims to achieve this through development of an organisational culture where injustice, bias and discrimination are not tolerated.

The HSE welcomes people with diverse backgrounds and offers a range of supports and resources to staff, such as those who require a reasonable accommodation at work because of a disability or long term health condition.

For further information on the HSE commitment to Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, please visit the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion web page at

Code of Practice

The Health Service Executive will run this campaign in compliance with the Code of Practice prepared by the Commission for Public Service Appointments (CPSA).

The CPSA is responsible for establishing the principles that should be followed when making an appointment. These are set out in the CPSA Code of Practice. The Code outlines the standards that should be adhered to at each stage of the selection process and sets out the review and appeal mechanisms open to candidates should they be unhappy with a selection process.

The CPSA Code of Practice can be accessed via


The current vacancy available is permanent and whole time.

The post is pensionable. A panel may be created from which permanent and specified purpose vacancies of full or part time duration may be filled. The tenure of these posts will be indicated at “expression of interest” stage.

Appointment as an employee of the Health Service Executive is governed by the Health Act 2004 and the Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Act 2004 and Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Amendment Act 2013.


The Salary scale for the post as of 01/10/2024 is:

€79,847, 80,564, 83,715, 86,878, 90,018, 93,170, 96,305

New appointees to any grade start at the minimum point of the scale. Incremental credit will be applied for recognised relevant service in Ireland and abroad (Department of Health Circular 2/2011). Incremental credit is normally granted on appointment, in respect of previous experience in the Civil Service, Local Authorities, Health Service and other Public Service Bodies and Statutory Agencies

Working Week

The standard working week applying to the post is to be confirmed at Job Offer stage.

HSE Circular 003-2009 “Matching Working Patterns to Service Needs (Extended Working Day / Week Arrangements); Framework for Implementation of Clause 30.4 of Towards 2016” applies. Under the terms of this circular, all new entrants and staff appointed to promotional posts from Dec 16th, 2008 will be required to work agreed roster / on call arrangements as advised by their line manager. Contracted hours of work are liable to change between the hours of 8am-8pm over seven days to meet the requirements for extended day services in accordance with the terms of the Framework Agreement (Implementation of Clause 30.4 of Towards 2016).

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