Hsemidlands Occupational Guidance Officer / Oifigeach Treorach Gairme, Disability Service Midlands Area
Day Opportunities Disability Service Midlands Area
There is currently one permanent whole-time vacancy available. The successful candidate will be located in the Sap Building, St Loman’s Campus, Mullingar, Co Westmeath.
A panel may be formed as a result of this campaign Day Opportunities Disability Service Midlands Area from which current and future, permanent and specified purpose vacancies of full or part-time duration may be filled.
Purpose of the Post
The Disability Service Occupational Guidance Officer will meet with individuals referred to the service and explore their needs, wishes and expectations. Having a detailed knowledge of HSE funded Adult Day Services the Disability Service Occupational Guidance Officer will advise on options available and support the individual to make informed choices. If a suitable placement is agreed the Disability Service Occupational Guidance Officer will approve and complete the necessary steps required to secure the placement and ensure a smooth transition for the service participant.
Identification of gaps and working with the unit to develop new and innovative service responses is also a key function of the post. This includes cross service and cross agency working to ensure the key principles of community inclusion, person centredness and delivery of high-quality services is adhered to.
The Disability Service Occupational Guidance Officer role will also involve prioritising service users for allocation of funding by the completion of various resource allocation tools and other process required to secure and validate funding.
This post also requires working with Day Service providers to ensure that they are providing services which meet the ongoing and changing needs of people referred and also to ensure that they are providing a high-quality value for money service within their allocated budgets.
Eligibility Criteria
1. Professional Qualifications, Experience, etc.
i) Significant experience of working in the disability sector as relevant to this role.
ii) Significant experience of working as part of a multi-disciplinary team in Disability
Services which has involved dealing with families and other key stakeholders.
iii) Experience of developing and supporting the implementation of person centred
iv) The requisite knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability and
management ability) for the proper discharge of the duties of the office.
2. Health
A candidate for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable of undertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.
3. Character
Each candidate for and any person holding the office must be of good character.
Post Specific Requirements
- Demonstrate depth and breadth of experience of providing evidence-informed interventions for service users, as relevant to the role.
- Demonstrate depth and breadth of experience of cross service and integrated approaches to person centred service delivery, as relevant to the role.
Please see attached Job Specification for Principal Duties and Responsibilities
Informal Enquiries
Sandra McGuill, Day Opportunity Officer CHO8.
Email: Sandra.McGuill@hse.ie
Telephone: 0873801410
HR Point of Contact
Carol Kenny | Recruitment Section, HSE Area Office | Email: carolr.kenny@hse.ie
Application Process:
Closing date: Monday 24th March,2025 @ 12 noon
Please use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari or Mozilla Firefox browsers to apply on Rezoomo.
Information submitted in your application will be shared with the assessment panel as part of the recruitment and selection process.
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