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Garda Trainee 2024

An Garda SíochánaNationwide€35,322 per yearFull-timeTrainee

Garda Trainees will receive an allowance of €305 per week for the 36 weeks leading to attestation. Accommodation and food is provided by An Garda Síochána while resident in the Garda College. Garda Trainees attest after 36 weeks and move to the first point of the Garda incremental pay scale of €35,322. Training The Foundation Training Programme is the initial training and development programme for newly recruited Garda Trainees and Probationer Gardaí in An Garda Síochána. Phase I, Stage 1, 2 and 3 provides the foundations to policing and will be for a period of 36 weeks (or such period of time as the Garda Commissioner may determine). Phase 1, Stage 1 is a mandatory residential training component, normally conducted on a Monday to Friday basis in the Garda College, Templemore, Co. Tipperary. Phase 1 Stage 2 is a mandatory observational placement training component, normally conducted within a commutable distance from home in an Operational Garda Station. Phase 1 Stage 3 is a mandatory residential training component, normally conducted on a Monday to Friday basis in the Garda College, Templemore, Co. Tipperary. Further information on the training can be found here.

Introduction An Garda Síochána is the national police service of Ireland with a mission of “Keeping People Safe”. A career as a member of AGS is a challenging and exciting one. Directed and controlled by the Garda Commissioner, An Garda Síochána is unique among policing services internationally as a unitary body responsible for the security of the State and the provision of policing services. The two functions are united by an underpinning philosophy: the protection of the individual and the safety of communities. The role of a member of An Garda Síochána continually presents new and interesting experiences. Modern policing entails much more than crime fighting. Reducing the fear of crime and working in partnership with communities are the keys to making a positive difference and improving quality of life for all citizens. As a member of An Garda Síochána, you would operate on the front line, supporting victims and witnesses, providing reassurance and instilling confidence. You would be in a position to make a proactive contribution to your area, building relationships and trust within the community.

Reflecting the Diversity of Irish Society

An Garda Síochána is committed to reflecting the increasing diversity of Irish Society within the organisation; not only in gender and ethnicity, but also in sexual orientation, socio-economic, educational and geographical background. We welcome applications from any and all backgrounds. Candidates need to be proficient in either or both of the following: i) the Irish language ii) the English language To be eligible for selection as a Garda Trainee, an applicant must: (i) be of good character; (ii) be certified by a Registered Medical Practitioner (nominated by the Commissioner after consultation with the Minister) to be in good health, of sound constitution and suited physically and mentally to performing the duties of a member of the service; (iii) have passed a Physical Competence Test; (iv) be 18 years of age but not yet 50 years of age at midnight on Thursday, 8th of February 2024; (v) be a national of a European Union Member State or be a national of a European Economic Area State, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or the Swiss Confederation or Under the International Protection Act, 2015 and in compliance with the Admissions and Appointments Regulations 2013, as amended, be (i) a refugee or a family member of such a person in relation to whom a refugee declaration is in force and continues to be in force for the entire duration of the Garda Recruit selection and admissions process or (ii) a person granted subsidiary protection or a family member of such a person in relation to whom a subsidiary protection declaration is in force and continues to be in force for the entire duration of the Garda Recruit selection and admissions process or by the closing date of the advertisement of this competition, have had a period of one year’s continuous residence in the State, and during the eight years immediately preceding that period, have had a total residence in the State amounting to four years. (vi) by the closing date: (a) have obtained an Irish Leaving Certificate with a grade D3 or O6 minimum in fivesubjects at Ordinary Level*, or (b) hold a minimum of a Level 5 Major award (120 Credits) on the National Frameworkof Qualifications (NFQ), or (c) hold a recognised qualification (at Level 5 or greater), deemed comparable to the above in terms of both level and volume of learning as determined by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)AND (d) be proficient in either or both of the following: i) the Irish language ii) the English language

The Selection Process Overview The competition for the selection of Garda Trainees attracts a very high number of applicants. Accordingly, the selection process to become a Garda Trainee is comprehensive, with candidates required to undertake a range of relevant assessment tests and exercises over a number of stages. The tests and exercises are designed to identify candidates who may be suitable for the role of a Garda Trainee, with potential to become an attested member. Therefore, only the highest performing candidates at each particular stage will progress to the next stage. The numbers called forward to each stage of selection will be determined from time to time having regard to the number of places to be filled in the Garda College. The Public Appointments Service will conduct the initial selection stages on behalf of the Garda Commissioner. Names and details of candidates who are successful and are placed highest on the order of merit following the selection stages conducted by the Public Appointments Service will be forwarded to An Garda Síochána for consideration for appointment. Neither An Garda Síochána nor the Public Appointments Service will be responsible for any expenses incurred by candidates in relation to the recruitment process.

Job Preview Self-Assessment As outlined, a realistic Job Preview Questionnaire is included in this booklet (see Appendix A) which you should consider before making an application. This is not a part of the selection process; it is for your own use to assist you in deciding if a career in An Garda Síochána is right for you. It is important that you complete the questionnaire as it includes key questions that provide an insight into this role.

Selection Methods Candidates will be required to take a number of tests which are designed to identify their potential to become a Garda Trainee. More detailed information in relation to the selection methods and confirmed dates will be made available to candidates as they progress through the process. The selection process for this competition will comprise a number of elements. These may include one or more of the following: • Tests and Exercises e.g. language, reasoning and ability tests • Online Video Interview (e.g. Zoom) • Any other assessment tests/exercises deemed appropriate. It remains the case that the methods of assessment to be used may need to be reviewed during the course of this competition. As such it is strongly advised that each candidate reviews any communication or familiarisation sent to your Publicjobs message board prior to the commencement of each stage. Stage 1 of the Selection Process Assessment Tests Stage 1 will be conducted online and will be remotely proctored via webcam. The tests will be availablenin a range of languages. Initial online assessments may be taken in a venue of your choice, whereveryou have access to a computer with a webcam and a reliable ninternet connection. All eligiblencandidates who have successfully applied for this competition will be invited to complete Stage 1. Candidates will be ranked based on their assessment scores. Those ranked highest on the order ofnmerit will be invited to undertake the next stage of the selection process.nDetailed information on each stage will be made available at the appropriate time toncandidates beingninvited to that particular stage of the process. Online Test-Taking EnvironmentnPlease be aware that taking these tests within a secure IT network e.g. a network such as your work or college that may have firewalls or other security technology in place may cause you technical difficulties. You should consider taking the tests in your home or other environment, where access to the internet is not restricted to the same level. The onus is on you to ensure that you have full internet access to complete the tests. Candidates should ensure that they can complete the tests in a quiet environment where they can concentrate without being disturbed for the duration of the tests.

Links to the online Stage 1 Assessments Following the closing date and before Stage 1 commences, a link to the Pre-Test Information Booklet will be sent to your message board. A link to the actual online assessment tests will be sent to candidates’ message boards in advance of the test-taking window. It is anticipated that this link will be sent during February/March 2024. This link will allow you access to all assessments. Subsequent Stages of Selection Process More detailed information on Stages 2 and 3 will be made available to the relevant candidates as they progress through the process via their Publicjobs message board. Preparing yourself for the selection process Familiarisation material will be made available in advance of each assessment stage. Please note that the assessment tests require no other special preparation and that past papers are not available.

Preparation Courses The Garda Commissioner wishes to make it clear that neither the Public Appointments Service nor An Garda Síochána have a function or involvement in the provision of, and do not endorse any preparation courses relating to the selection process for the role of Garda Trainee. Review Procedures Section 7 A request for review may be taken by a candidate should they be dissatisfied with an action or decision taken by the Public Appointments Service or An Garda Síochána. The relevant officeholder will consider requests for review in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of the Code of Practice. When making a request for a review, the candidate must support their request by outlining the facts they believe show that the action taken or decision reached was wrong. A request for review may be refused if the candidate cannot support their request.

The Commission recommends that, subject to the agreement of the candidate, where the office holder considers the matter could be resolved they should first seek to engage on an informal basis, before making use of the formal review procedure.

Procedure for Informal Review • A request for Informal Review must be made within 5 working days of notification of the decision and should normally take place between the candidate and a representative of the PAS who had played a key role in the selection process. • Where a candidate remains dissatisfied following any such informal discussion, they may adopt the formal procedures set out below. • If the candidate wishes the matter to be dealt with by way of a formal review, they must do so within 5 working days of the notification of the outcome of the informal review. Procedure for Formal Review of Selection Process • The candidate must address their concerns in relation to the process in writing to the Chief Executive Officer of the Public Appointments Service or the Commissioner of An Garda Síochána as appropriate, outlining the facts that they believe show an action taken or decision reached was wrong. • A request for review must be made within 5 working days of the notification of the selection decision. • Any extension of these time limits will only be granted in the most exceptional of circumstances. • The outcome must generally be notified to the candidate within 25 working days of receipt of the request for review.

Section 8 - Complaints Where a candidate may believe there was a breach of the Code of Practice by the relevant licence holder (the Chief Executive Officer of the Public Appointments Service or the Garda Commissioner) which compromised the integrity of the decision reached in the selection or appointment process they can have it investigated under Section 8 of the Code. The complaints process enables candidates (or potential candidates) to make a complaint to the licence holder in the first instance, and to the Commission subsequently on appeal if they remain dissatisfied. The complainant must outline the facts that they believe show that the process followed was wrong. The complainant must also identify the aspect of the Code they believe has been infringed and enclose any relevant documentation that may support the allegation. A complaint may be dismissed if they cannot support their allegations by setting out how the Public Appointments Service or An Garda Síochána has fallen short of the principles of this Code. A request for Informal complaint must be made within 5 working days of notification of the decision and should normally take place between the candidate and a representative of the PAS who had played a key role in the selection process. • Where a candidate remains dissatisfied following any such informal discussion, they may adopt the formal procedures set out below. • If the candidate wishes the matter to be dealt with by way of a formal review, they must do so within 5 working days of the notification of the notification of the decision or within 5 working days of the outcome of the informal complaint.

Requests for Feedback/Test Rechecks Feedback in relation to the selection process is available on written request. There are no specific timeframes set for the provision of feedback or for carrying out rechecks. Please note that the Review Process as set out in the Code of Practice is a separate process with specified timeframes that must be observed. Receipt of feedback is not required to invoke a review. It is not necessary for a candidate to compile a detailed case prior to invoking the appeals mechanism. The timeframe set out in the CPSA Code cannot be extended for any reason including the provision of feedback and/or the outcome of rechecks.

Candidates' obligations Candidates must: • have the knowledge and ability to discharge the duties of the post concerned; • be of suitable character for the post; • be suitable in all other relevant respects for appointment to the post concerned and if successful, they will not be appointed to the post unless they • agree to undertake the duties attached to the post and accept the conditions under which the duties are, or may be required to be, performed, and • are fully competent, available to and capable of undertaking those duties.

Candidates must not: • knowingly or recklessly provide false information • canvass any person with or without inducements • interfere with or compromise the process in any way

A third party must not personate a candidate at any stage of the process. Any attempt, direct or indirect by an applicant to use influence by way of canvassing in connection with their application will cause them to be disqualified from the competition. Any person who contravenes the above provisions or who assists another person in contravening the above provisions is committing an offence. A person who is found guilty of an offence is liable to prosecution that may result in a fine and/or imprisonment. In addition, where a person found guilty of an offence was or is a candidate at a recruitment process, then: • where a person has not been appointed to a post, they will be disqualified as a candidate; and • where a person has been appointed subsequently to the recruitment process in question, they shall forfeit that appointment. Confidentiality of Information and Materials It is important to remember that this is a competitive process for a role where integrity is paramount. Sharing information on the selection process e.g. through social media or any other means, may result in you being disqualified from the competition. Please note that all assessment and test materials are subject to copyright and all rights are reserved. No part of the test material (including passages of information, questions or answer options), associated materials or interview related information may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, photographing, recording, written or otherwise, at any stage. To do so is an offence and may result in exclusion from the selection process. Any person who contravenes this provision, or who assists another person(s) in contravening this provision, is liable to prosecution and/or civil suit for loss of copyright and intellectual property.

Use of Recording Equipment The Public Appointments Service does not allow the unsanctioned use of any type of recording equipment on its premises or any location where assessments/tests/interviews, etc. take place, e.g. video interviews, teleconference. This applies to any form of sound recording and any type of still picture or video recording, whether including sound recording or not, and covers any type of device used for these purposes. Any person wishing to use such equipment for any of these purposes must seek written permission in advance. This policy is in place to protect the privacy of staff and candidates/clients and the integrity of the assessment material and assessment processes. Unsanctioned use of recording equipment by any person is a breach of this policy. Any candidate involved in such a breach could be disqualified from the competition and could be subject to prosecution under section 55 of the Public Service Management (Recruitment & Appointments) Act, 2004.

In addition, where a person found guilty of such an offence was or is a candidate, then; • Where they have not been appointed to the post they will be disqualified as a candidate; and • Where they have been appointed subsequently to the recruitment process in question, they shall forfeit that appointment. Deeming of candidature to be withdrawn Candidates who do not attend for interview or other test when and where required by the Public Appointments Service, or who do not, when requested, furnish such evidence as the Public Appointments Service require in regard to any matter relevant to their candidature, will have no further claim to consideration. Candidates are expected to provide all requested documentation to PAS, including all forms issued by PAS for completion, within five days of request. Failure to do so will result in the candidate being deemed to have withdrawn from the competition and their candidature will receive no further consideration. Quality Customer Service We aim to provide an excellent quality service to all our customers. If, for whatever reason, you are unhappy with any aspect of the service you receive from us, we urge you to bring this to the attention of the unit or staff member concerned. This is important as it ensures that we are aware of the problem and can take the appropriate steps to resolve it. Please note, If the Public Appointments Service is not notified of any issues you experience in advance of or on the day of your assessment/interview, we will not be in a position to address these after the fact. Feedback will be provided on written request. A request for feedback does not impact on the timeframe set out for seeking a review.

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