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Clerical Officer

National Disability AuthorityBallsbridge, Dublin€571.04 - €899.77 per weekFull-time

Job Description

The NDA wishes to establish a Clerical Officer Panel, to fill Full Time and/or Part Time, Permanent and/or Specific Purpose vacancies which may arise within the organisation over the next 2 years. The post holder will report to the nominee of the Head of the relevant Department.

The key tasks for the post-holder will be to assist and support the National Disability Authority through the provision of clerical and administrative services.

The post-holder may be redeployed at Clerical Officer Level to any area of work within the organisation, as required. Currently the NDA is structured under 3 Departments – Corporate Services, Research, Policy & Public Affairs and the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design Standards and Monitoring.

For the successful implementation of this role, there are a number of key relationships to be fostered and developed. These will be with colleagues and personnel from a range of other Departments, agencies and contracted services. A high degree of flexibility and customer service will be expected as well as strong organisational and administrative skills.

As a member of the NDA team, the post holder will be expected to actively contribute to and participate in the overall development of the NDA and to promote its policies at all times, to effectively represent the NDA, and to adhere to NDA values.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

The core duties and responsibilities will include the following:

·       General clerical work e.g. dealing with emails and correspondence, purchase order and invoice processing, front of house duties including reception;

·       Supporting line-managers and colleagues in their area of work;

·       Working as part of a team to support project deliverables;

·       Communicating and dealing with stakeholders e.g. responding to queries and providing information in an effective and efficient manner and within set timeframes;

·       Providing the highest quality standards in customer service both internally and externally;

·       Using Information Technology on a daily basis, e.g. MS Office Suite Word/Excel/Outlook etc.;

·       Updating and maintaining files including the input of information and assisting in the preparation of documents such as letters, reports, reviews, submissions;

·       Maintaining high quality records in a thorough and organised manner;

·       Providing logistical support to meetings and events;

·       Checking all work thoroughly to ensure it is completed to a high standard;

·       Approaching work in a careful and methodical manner, displaying accuracy at all times, even when conducting routine/repetitive work;

·       To undertake training as required;

·       Any other duties as assigned.

Note: The duties and responsibilities enumerated in this job description should not be regarded as comprehensive in scope and may be added to or altered as required.

Person Specification

In applying for the post, applicants are strongly advised to clearly demonstrate how they fulfil the following essential requirements and competencies. The selection process may include short-listing of candidates on the basis of the information provided in the application form. It is therefore in your own interest to provide a detailed and accurate account of how your skills, personal qualities, qualifications and experience meet the requirements for the post.

The following criteria are considered essential for the post:

·       Candidates must have the requisite knowledge, skills and competencies to carry out the role;

·       Be capable and competent of fulfilling the role to a high standard;

·       Have a good general level of education, minimum of QQ1 Level 4;

·       Excellent office based communication skills including email, letter writing and note taking, and the ability to communicate in a clear and concise manner or the ability to acquire such skills quickly;

·       Appropriate ICT skills including MS Word, Excel and Outlook;

·       The ability to take initiative;

·       The ability to take direction and follow instructions, while working independently and as part of a team;

·       Effective organisation skills with the ability to prioritise work effectively;

·       Flexibility in their approach to work;

·       Respect for colleagues and co-workers, and an understanding of their role within the team.

The following criteria are considered desirable for the post:

·       Previous customer service experience

·       Proven ability to work effectively within a team.

·       Knowledge of or interest disability-related areas.

In addition to the above, the Key Competencies for effective performance at this level are detailed below.

Competencies for role at Clerical Officer Level:Teamwork

1.   Shows respect for colleagues and co-workers

2.   Develops and maintains good working relationships with others, sharing information and knowledge, as appropriate

3.   Offers own ideas and perspectives

4.   Understands own role in the team, making every effort to play his/her part

Information Management / Processing

1.   Approaches and delivers all work in a thorough and organised manner

2.   Follows procedures and protocols, understanding their value and the rationale behind them

3.   Keeps high quality records that are easy for others to understand

4.   Draws appropriate conclusions from information

5.   Suggests new ways of doing things better and more efficiently

6.   Is comfortable working with different types of information, e.g. written, numerical, charts, and carries out calculations such as arithmetic, percentages etc.

Delivery of Results

1.   Takes responsibility for work and sees it through to the appropriate next level

2.   Completes work in a timely manner

3.   Adapts quickly to new ways of doing things

4.   Checks all work thoroughly to ensure it is completed to a high standard and learns from mistakes

5.   Writes with correct grammar and spelling and draws reasonable conclusions from written instructions

6.   Identifies and appreciates the urgency and importance of different tasks

7.   Demonstrates initiative and flexibility in ensuring work is delivered

8.   Is self-reliant and uses judgment on when to ask manager or colleagues for guidance

Customer Service & Communication Skills

1.   Actively listens to others and tries to understand their perspectives/ requirements/ needs

2.   Understands the steps or processes that customers must go through and can clearly explain these

3.   Is respectful, courteous and professional, remaining composed, even in challenging circumstances

4.   Can be firm when necessary and communicate with confidence and authority

5.   Communicates clearly and fluently when speaking and in writing

Specialist Knowledge, Expertise and Self Development

1.   Develops and maintains the skills and expertise required to perform in the role effectively, e.g. relevant

2.   Clearly understands the role, objectives and targets and how they fit into the work of the unit

3.   Is committed to self-development and continuously seeks to improve personal performance

Drive & Commitment to Public Service Values

1.   Consistently strives to perform at a high level and deliver a quality service

2.   Serves the Government and people of Ireland

3.   Is thorough and conscientious, even if work is routine

4.   Is enthusiastic and resilient, persevering in the face of challenges and setbacks

5.   Is personally honest and trustworthy

6.   At all times, acts with integrity


Entry will be at the minimum of the scale of the Clerical Officer Standard Scale. The salary scale for the position is as follows:

Pay scale with effect from 01 October 2024 for Civil Servants appointed on or after 6th April 1995 paying the Class A rate of PRSI contribution and making an employee contribution in respect of personal superannuation benefits (PPC):

Clerical Officer (PPC) Weekly Payment

€571.04 €604.06 €612.46 €628.82 €652.99 €677.10 €701.19 €718.74 €738.65 €761.77 €778.02 €800.90 €823.63 €859.10 €886.97¹ €899.77².

Non-Personal Pension Contribution Pay Scale with effect from 01 October 2024 (for those appointed before 6 April 1995):

Clerical Officer Weekly Payment

€546.84 €578.25 €586.20 €609.43 €624.72 €647.64 €670.56 €693.48 €709.95 €732.20 €750.86 €766.04 €787.66 €821.35 €847.83¹ €860.06²

Subject to satisfactory performance, increments may be payable in line with Government Policy. Long service increments may be payable after 3 (LSI-1) and 6 (LSI-2) years’ satisfactory service at the maximum of the scale.

Entry will be at the first point of the scale. Different terms and conditions may apply if you are a currently serving civil or public servant.

Annual Leave

The annual leave allowance for the position of Clerical Officer will be as follows:

22 rising to 23 after 5 years’ service

24 after 10 years’ service

25 after 12 years’ service

26 after 14 years’ service

This allowance is subject to conditions regarding the granting of annual leave in the public sector and is based on a 5-day week, exclusive of public holidays.

Hours of Work

Hours of attendance will be not less than 35 hours net per week. Your normal working hours are from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

The NDA operates a blended working policy which requires a minimum attendance on site of two days per week. This requirement is dependent on the requirements of the role and will vary from time to time. Details of this arrangement are agreed locally with your line manager.

Rest Periods

The terms of the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997 will apply to this appointment.

Place of work

The National Disability Authority is currently located in 25 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin, D04 E409.


This is a Clerical Officer Panel (Full Time and/or Part Time, Permanent and/or Specific Purpose). You will be required to undergo a probationary period.

Sick Leave

Pay during sick absence will apply in accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Sick Leave Regulations.


Officers who pay Class A rate of PRSI will be required to sign a mandate authorising the Department of Social Protection to pay any benefits due under the Social Welfare Acts directly to the National Disability Authority. Payment during illness will be subject to the officer making the necessary claims for social insurance benefit to the Department of Social Protection within the required time limits.

Outside Employment

Appointees to full-time positions may not engage in private practice or be connected with any outside business, which would interfere with the performance of official duties.

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