CHW Disability Services Manager

HSE West and North WestGalwayPart-timePermanent


HSE West and North West

Job Specification, Terms & Conditions

Job Title and Grade

Disability Services Manager (Grade VIII), HSE West and North West

Grade Code 0655

Campaign Reference


Closing Date

Monday 11th November 2024 @ 12:00 noon

Proposed Interview Date(s)

As soon as possible following the closing date

Location of Post/s

Internal audit building, Merlin Park, Disability Services, HSE West and North West.

There is currently one Temporary and whole time post available in Galway Disability Services, HSE West and North West.

A panel may be created as a result of this campaign for Disability Services Manager Grade VIII within HSE West and North West from which permanent and specified purpose vacancies of full or part time duration for the role of Disability Services Manager Grade VIII, HSE West and North West may be filled.

Organisational Area

Disability Services, HSE West and North West

Informal Enquiries

Aoife O’Donohue, General Manager, Disability Services, HSE West and North West


Tele: 087 1198334

Details of Service

Disability services support people with disabilities to live the life of their choosing in their own homes, in accommodation that is designed and/or adapted as necessary to meet their needs, enabling them to live ordinary lives in ordinary places as independently as possible.

Services Provided

Disability services are provided to those with physical, sensory, intellectual disability and autism in day, respite and residential settings. Services include personal assistant, home support, multi- disciplinary and other community supports.

Services are delivered through a mix of HSE direct provision as well as through non-statutory Section 38 and 39 service providers and private providers.

Delivery of the planned level of services is dependent on the requirement for all services to manage and prioritise costs within available budgets. They also provide for some service increase relating to demographic growth, however, the rate of growth may continue to impact on our ability to meet required access performance targets. In the case of some services, given that the HSE is the statutory provider of last resort and the realities around the relatively fixed nature of certain costs, there is a requirement to respond to need even if this exceeds what can be supported by the available funding level. Within disability services, this primarily relates to residential places and emergency cases.

Information about the Disability Services Social Care Division:

The establishment of a Disability Services Social Care Division to support the ongoing service requirements of people with disabilities is an important step in moving forward with the design and implementation of models of care which will support and maintain service users to live at home and/or in their own community. The objective is to promote their independence and lifestyle choice in as far as possible.

· People with disabilities with care needs must be provided with a continuum of services such as home care, day care and intermediate residential care to avoid unnecessary acute hospital admissions and have their required treatments and supports delivered within their local community at primary care level in as far as possible.

· These types of services must be responsive to service user needs and be provided flexibly at the least possible unit cost to build a sustainable system into the future.

A key function of the Disability Services Social Dare Division is to:

· Organise and deliver the required services safely and to a set of standards

· Reconfigure the available resource through a comprehensive reform process, increasing productivity and changing traditional cost structures in the process.

In line with the Department of Health Statement of Strategy 2019 - 2021, the Disability Services Social Care Division will:

· Implement the recommendations of the Value for Money and Policy Review of Disability Service so as to implement reforms to the system of financing and delivery of services including the introduction of individualised budgets.

· Enhance the cost effectiveness of services by the introduction of standardised funding bands for specific types of services for people with disabilities and developing a standardised needs assessment framework to ensure that levels/types of services provided are appropriate to people’s needs.

In addition, the Disability Services Social Care Division will progress the implementation of key programmes including:

· The programme for Progressing Disability Services for Children and Young People.

· The Review of Autism Services.

· Reconfiguring adult day services as outlined in New Directions – Report on the National Working Group for the Review of HSE funded Adult Day Services.

· Reconfiguring residential services as recommended in Time to Move from Congregated Settings and the National Neuro-Rehabilitation Strategy.

Purpose of the Post

- To manage the services provided for people with a physical, sensory, intellectual disability and autism in day, respite and residential settings within the catchment area.

- To ensure equitable distribution of available resources and equity of access to quality services.

- Working with colleagues and other agencies to identify service requirements and play a significant role in strategic planning and initiating change.

- To act as a contact person for service users within their catchment area.

- To ensure the development and delivery of appropriate services for persons with intellectual, physical and sensory disability in an effective and responsive manner.

The Disability Services Manager Grade VIII will lead a co-ordinated approach to the management of all services within a defined area and ensure an integrated approach to the delivery of all services. He/she will be required to work closely with the Area Disability Specialist in relation to priorities for disability services social care division, quality assurance, co-ordination of voluntary sector, equity and service evaluation.

Reporting Relationship

The Disability Services Manager Grade VIII will report to the General Manager, Disability Services Social Care or such designated officer as the Head of Service for Disability Services Social Care may decide.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

The Disability Services Manager Grade VIII will work with local disability services staff and service providers in both the statutory and non-statutory sector to:-

  • Manage the implementation of the disability services social care Operational Plan as it relates to disability, and to ensure the achievement of the specific targets contained within the Plan.
  • Within available resources, ensure that emerging unmet and changing needs are identified and that service responses and action plans are prepared as required. Maintenance of an up to date risk register and proactive management of risks.
  • Assess and advise on the overall capacity of the system to deliver the objectives of the HSE relation to the provision of disability services. Ensure that service deficits are identified and reported on and brought to the attention of senior management.
  • Develop Business Cases for service developments that are guided by agreed priorities and policy guidelines.
  • Work with service managers in the implementation and roll-out of new developments, with a particular emphasis on consistency and alignment across the system and reference to best practice, outcome measures and value for money.
  • Provide information and advice based on evidence, research and best practice to support Head of Service for Disability Services decision making processes at area and local level. This will include the analysis of the implications of national policies and strategies on the geographic area and translating those policies/strategies into implementable programmes and standardised practice at area and local service level.
  • Oversee the responses to parliamentary questions, political representations, media queries or queries from service users and families in relation to services for persons with disability.
  • Ensure that all complaints which relate to disability services are addressed in line with the HSE complaints policy.
  • Ensure patient/quality focus through participation in the development of effective clinical audit, outcome measures and continuous quality improvement programmes.
  • Ensure the timely provision of data/information consistent with the monitoring requirements of the service plan.
  • Integrating and co-ordinating services for people with a disability in collaboration with the Head of Service for Disability Services Social Care, General Manager, Care Group Managers, Heads of Discipline, Acute Hospitals, Primary Care Services, Mental Health Services and other Agency Service Managers in the catchment area.
  • Progress implementation of national policy initiatives e.g. de-congregation, VFM, residential standards etc.
  • Establishing effective working practices in partnership with all of the relevant people involved.
  • Developing, leading and implementing a service plan for the delivery of services to people with disabilities within the area.
  • Ensure a comprehensive needs assessment of people with a disability is undertaken and appropriate plans formulated and implemented.
  • Ensuring that the services provided are in line with agreed local and national policy e.g. HIQA, by working collaboratively with all relevant parties to plan the delivery of services.
  • Ensuring that the services are provided within the available resources and that the optimum use is made of such resources.
  • Be responsible for the management of all budgetary matters pertaining to Disability Services within the catchment area, including cost containment plans if requested in accordance with the HSE’s financial regulations.

· Responsible for the annual service arrangement process validation and sign off at appropriate levels of funding for private providers, Section 38s and 39s and the ongoing monitoring of service delivery against the service arrangement.

· Ensuring a multidisciplinary team approach is adopted in the delivery of services and for the purpose of planning services for individuals.

· Manage the performance of assigned staff and promote their development to maximise potential in line with personal and organisational goals which will include performance reviews with an emphasis on staff development.

· Seeking the view of users/advocates as part of the planning process, and the effective delivery of services for individuals.

· Certain area or specialised or lead responsibilities that may be assigned from time to time.

· In conjunction with the Head of Service for Disability Services Social Care and the General Manager, establish service agreements and put in place systems to evaluate services delivered, in particular their outcome for users.

· Management responsibility for other aspects of the HSE’s services may be assigned to the Disability Services Manager in addition to services for persons with a disability.

Specific Tasks –

· Develop and promote effective information services for persons with a disability, staff, voluntary organisations, the general public and public bodies.

· Chair or facilitate Area/Local Liaison Committees or Voluntary/Statutory Bodies developed for Intellectual Disability or Physical and Sensory Disabilities.

· Develop and implement HSE strategy/plans/guidelines/ policy documents in relation to disability services in conjunction with the Head of Service for Disability Services Social Care.

· Arrange case conferences as required as part of the process of individual care planning.

· Participate in designated management committees of voluntary bodies as required within the area.

· Work within the framework of HSE Services to resolve service issues as they arise and co-ordinate emergency and crises intervention and support services.

· Maintain relevant statistics in relation to services provided and prepare reports as required.

· Ensure data on disability databases is relevant and accurate. In this regard co-operate with the Coordinator of databases to ensure data is verified for national data set and utilised appropriately for service planning to review.

· Participate in relevant senior management committees.

· Have a working knowledge of the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) Standards as they apply to the role for example, Standards for Healthcare, National Standards for the Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infections, Hygiene Standards etcand comply with associated HSE protocols for implementing and maintaining these standards.

· To fulfil the role of the registered provider representative for designated centres and to engage with the regulator to ensure designated centres are registered and meet their statutory obligations in line with the regulation and standards.

· To support, promote and actively participate in sustainable energy, water and waste initiatives to create a more sustainable, low carbon and efficient health service.

  • To act as spokesperson for the Organisation as required

· Demonstrate pro-active commitment to all communications with internal and external stakeholders

· Take a lead role on Community Healthcare West Disability Projects as assigned.

The above Job Description is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties involved and consequently, the post holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time to time and to contribute to the development of the post while in office.

Eligibility Criteria

Qualifications and/or Experience

Candidates must have at the latest date of application: -

· Experience of working in the disability services area or other social care areas relevant to the role.

· Significant operational experience in managing and/or delivering a complex service that has involved managing staff, budgets etc., as relevant to the role.

· Experience of delivering change in a complex environment, as relevant to this role.

· Experience of managing and working collaboratively with multiple internal and external stakeholders, as relevant to this role.

· Experience in team management and development.

· The requisite knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability and management ability) for the proper discharge of the duties of the office.


Candidates for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable of undertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.


Each candidate for and any person holding the office must be of good character.

Requirements specific to the post

Access to appropriate transport to fulfil the requirements of the role as post will involve travel

Skills, competencies and/or knowledge

Professional Knowledge


  • Knowledge of government and national HSE policy as it relates to this role.
  • Knowledge of Disability Services - Social Care service provision.
  • Knowledge of relevant legislation and standards e.g. Disability Act, EPSEN Act, Health Act(s) 2017, Health & Safety Act(s)
  • Knowledge or experience of Quality Systems and implementation of standards.
  • Working knowledge of HIQA.
  • Excellent MS Office skills to include, Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Knowledge and experience of using an email system effectively e.g. Outlook, Lotus Notes

Managing & Delivering Results (Operational Excellence)


  • Evidence of effective planning and organisational skills including an awareness of resource management and the importance of value for money
  • The ability to improve efficiency within the working environment ability and the ability to evolve and adapt to a rapid changing environment.
  • The ability to work to tight deadlines and operate effectively with multiple competing priorities
  • A capacity to operate successfully in a challenging operational environment while adhering to quality standards.
  • The ability to take personal responsibility to initiate activities and drive objectives through to a conclusion.

Critical Analysis, Problem Solving and Decision Making


  • The ability to evaluate complex information from a variety of sources and make effective decisions.
  • Effective problem solving especially from an operational perspective.
  • The ability to rapidly assimilate and analyse complex information; considering the impact of decisions before taking action; and anticipating challenges.
  • The ability to make timely decisions and to adhere to those decisions as required.

Leadership & Teamwork


  • Capacity for management responsibility and demonstration of initiative.
  • Motivation and an innovative approach to the job within a changing working environment.
  • Leadership skills and the capacity to inspire teams to the confident delivery of excellent services.
  • Ability to support, supervise, develop and empower staff in changing work practises in a challenging environment within existing resources.
  • Strong team work skills including the ability to build and maintain relationships in a multidisciplinary team/ multi-stakeholder environment.
  • Evidence of being a positive agent of change and performance improvement

Leading a Quality Service


· A client user focus in the delivery of services.

· A core belief in and passion for the sustainable delivery of high quality service user focused services.

· A commitment to community development principles and practices.

· A commitment to the principles of public accountability as they apply to the local community.

Communication & Interpersonal Skills


  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills to facilitate work with a wide range of individuals and groups
  • Strong Negotiation/influencing skills
  • The ability to interact in a professional manner with other staff and other key stakeholders


Campaign Specific Selection Process

Ranking/Shortlisting / Interview

A ranking and or short listing exercise may be carried out on the basis of information supplied in your application form.

The criteria for ranking and or shortlisting are based on the requirements of the post as outlined in the eligibility criteria and skills, competencies and/or knowledge section of this job specification. Therefore it is very important that you think about your experience in light of those requirements.

Failure to include information regarding these requirements may result in you not being called forward to the next stage of the selection process.

Those successful at the ranking stage of this process (where applied) will be placed on an order of merit and will be called to interview.

Code of Practice

The Health Service Executive will run this campaign in compliance with the Code of Practice prepared by the Commission for Public Service Appointments (CPSA). The Code of Practice sets out how the core principles of probity, merit, equity and fairness might be applied on a principle basis. The Code also specifies the responsibilities placed on candidates, facilities for feedback to applicants on matters relating to their application when requested, and outlines procedures in relation to requests for a review of the recruitment and selection process and review in relation to allegations of a breach of the Code of Practice. Additional information on the HSE’s review process is available in the document posted with each vacancy entitled “Code of Practice, Information for Candidates”.

Codes of practice are published by the CPSA and are available on in the document posted with each vacancy entitled “Code of Practice, Information for Candidates” or on

The reform programme outlined for the Health Services may impact on this role and as structures change the job description may be reviewed.

This job description is a guide to the general range of duties assigned to the post holder. It is intended to be neither definitive nor restrictive and is subject to periodic review with the employee concerned.


Terms and Conditions of Employment

Disability Services Manager (Grade VIII)


There is currently one temporary and whole time post available in HSE West and Nort West, Disability Services.

The post is pensionable. A panel may be created from which permanent and specified purpose vacancies of full or part time duration may be filled. The tenure of these posts will be indicated at “expression of interest” stage.

Appointment as an employee of the Health Service Executive is governed by the Health Act 2004 and the Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Act 2004 and Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Amendment Act 2013.


The Salary scale for the post is (as at 01/10/24):

€79,847, - €80,564, - €83,715, - €86,878, - €90,018, - €93,170, - €96,305

New appointees to any grade start at the minimum point of the scale. Incremental credit will be applied for recognised relevant service in Ireland and abroad (Department of Health Circular 2/2011). Incremental credit is normally granted on appointment, in respect of previous experience in the Civil Service, Local Authorities, Health Service and other Public Service Bodies and Statutory Agencies.

Working Week

The standard working week applying to the post is: 37 hours

HSE Circular 003-2009 “Matching Working Patterns to Service Needs (Extended Working Day / Week Arrangements); Framework for Implementation of Clause 30.4 of Towards 2016” applies. Under the terms of this circular, all new entrants and staff appointed to promotional posts from Dec 16th 2008 will be required to work agreed roster / on call arrangements as advised by their line manager. Contracted hours of work are liable to change between the hours of 8am-8pm over seven days to meet the requirements for extended day services in accordance with the terms of the Framework Agreement (Implementation of Clause 30.4 of Towards 2016).

Annual Leave

The annual leave associated with the post will be confirmed at contracting stage


This is a pensionable position with the HSE. The successful candidate will upon appointment become a member of the appropriate pension scheme. Pension scheme membership will be notified within the contract of employment. Members of pre-existing pension schemes who transferred to the HSE on the 01st January 2005 pursuant to Section 60 of the Health Act 2004 are entitled to superannuation benefit terms under the HSE Scheme which are no less favourable to those which they were entitled to at 31st December 2004


The Public Service Superannuation (Age of Retirement) Act, 2018* set 70 years as the compulsory retirement age for public servants.

* Public Servants not affected by this legislation:

Public servants joining the public service, or re-joining the public service with a 26 week break in service, between 1 April 2004 and 31 December 2012 (new entrants) have no compulsory retirement age.

Public servants, joining the public service or re-joining the public service after a 26 week break, after 1 January 2013 are members of the Single Pension Scheme and have a compulsory retirement age of 70.


Every appointment of a person who is not already a permanent officer of the Health Service Executive or of a Local Authority shall be subject to a probationary period of 12 months as stipulated in the Department of Health Circular No.10/71.

Protection of Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998

As this post is one of those designated under the Protection of Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998, appointment to this post appoints one as a designated officer in accordance with Section 2 of the Act. You will remain a designated officer for the duration of your appointment to your current post or for the duration of your appointment to such other post as is included in the categories specified in the Ministerial Direction. You will receive full information on your responsibilities under the Act on appointment.

Infection Control

Have a working knowledge of Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) Standards as they apply to the role for example, Standards for Healthcare, National Standards for the Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infections, Hygiene Standards etc. and comply with associated HSE protocols for implementing and maintaining these standards as appropriate to the role.

Health & Safety

It is the responsibility of line managers to ensure that the management of safety, health and welfare is successfully integrated into all activities undertaken within their area of responsibility, so far as is reasonably practicable. Line managers are named and roles and responsibilities detailed in the relevant Site Specific Safety Statement (SSSS).

Key responsibilities include:

· Developing a SSSS for the department/service[1], as applicable, based on the identification of hazards and the assessment of risks, and reviewing/updating same on a regular basis (at least annually) and in the event of any significant change in the work activity or place of work.

· Ensuring that Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is integrated into day-to-day business, providing Systems Of Work (SOW) that are planned, organised, performed, maintained and revised as appropriate, and ensuring that all safety related records are maintained and available for inspection.

· Consulting and communicating with staff and safety representatives on OSH matters.

· Ensuring a training needs assessment (TNA) is undertaken for employees, facilitating their attendance at statutory OSH training, and ensuring records are maintained for each employee.

· Ensuring that all incidents occurring within the relevant department/service are appropriately managed and investigated in accordance with HSE procedures[2].

· Seeking advice from health and safety professionals through the National Health and Safety Function Helpdesk as appropriate.

· Reviewing the health and safety performance of the ward/department/service and staff through, respectively, local audit and performance achievement meetings for example.

Note: Detailed roles and responsibilities of Line Managers are outlined in local SSSS.

Ethics in Public Office 1995 and 2001

Positions remunerated at or above the minimum point of the Grade VIII salary scale (€69,676, as at 01.10.20)

Positions remunerated at or above the minimum point of the Grade VIII salary scale (€ 64,812 as at 01.01.2010) are designated positions under Section 18 of the Ethics in Public Office Act 1995. Any person appointed to a designated position must comply with the requirements of the Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 and 2001 as outlined below;

) In accordance with Section 18 of the Ethics in Public Office Act 1995, a person holding such a post is required to prepare and furnish an annual statement of any interests which could materially influence the performance of the official functions of the post. This annual statement of interest should be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer not later than 31st January in the following year.

B) In addition to the annual statement, a person holding such a post is required, whenever they are performing a function as an employee of the HSE and have actual knowledge, or a connected person, has a material interest in a matter to which the function relates, provide at the time a statement of the facts of that interest. A person holding such a post should provide such statement to the Chief Executive Officer. The function in question cannot be performed unless there are compelling reasons to do so and, if this is the case, those compelling reasons must be stated in writing and must be provided to the Chief Executive Officer.

C) A person holding such a post is required under the Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 and 2001 to act in accordance with any guidelines or advice published or given by the Standards in Public Office Commission. Guidelines for public servants on compliance with the provisions of the Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 and 2001 are available on the Standards Commission’s website

[1]A template SSSS and guidelines are available on the National Health and Safety Function/H&S web-pages

[2]See link on health and safety web-pages to latest Incident Management Policy

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