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Beach Lifeguards 2025

Cork County CouncilCorkPart-timeFull-time

SECTION 1: THE ROLE Cork County Council invites applications from suitably qualified persons, who wish to be considered for inclusion on panels from which seasonal vacancies for Senior Beach Lifeguard, Team Beach Lifeguard and Relief Beach Lifeguard may be filled. The persons appointed will work under the direction and control of the Water Safety Development Officer, and the relevant Area Offices. Beach Lifeguards shall read, be familiar with and adhere to the Safety Statement forBeachguards; participate in induction training and cooperate with other safety training provided by the Council as required. Any issues of health and safety concern shall be referred to the Water Safety Officer, Municipal District Officer or Health and Safety Officer. The procedure for reporting issues of concern is set out in the Safety Statement. Applicants will be interviewed for Senior Beach Lifeguard/Beach Lifeguard positions, from which panels for both will be formed.

Successful candidates must be available for duty for the following: - 31st May 2025 - Weekends in June 2025 (including the June Bank Holiday weekend) - Full-time for the months of July and August 2025 - For weekends only during the period 7th, 8th and 13th ,14th September 2025


GENERAL DUTIES 1. All equipment must be checked daily (each morning) to see that it is in working order and ready for use. Any defects notified should be reported immediately to the Cork County Council. 2. Indication flags should be placed in prominent positions. The following flag system is to be used: (a) Red flag signifies that bathing is considered temporarily unsafe. (b) Red over yellow flag signifies that bathing between any two such flags is under supervision of Beach Lifeguard. (c) No flag is flown if there is no Beach Lifeguard on duty. 3. Where Beach Lifeguards have to leave to partake of meals, arrangements should be made that one Beach Lifeguard will be on duty during the other’s absence for such purpose and to patrol his/her area in addition to his/her own. 4. The Beach Lifeguard must keep the area under observation constantly. 5. Beach Lifeguards must always be courteous to bathers and give them the necessary information regarding state of tides, currents and parts of strand which are not safe for bathing. 6. If, in the Beach Lifeguard’s opinion, bathers are about to enter water at a point which is considered dangerous owing to currents, shifting sands, etc., they should immediately warn them and give the reasons. 7. Complete LogBook

Beach Lifeguards should enter on the logbook, times of commencing and ceasing duty, morning, meal-time and evening, each day and should make a note of any incident such as rescues, etc. The logbook should be available at all times for inspection by any duly authorised member of the County Council’s staff. 8. Beach Lifeguards are primarily responsible to Cork County Council for the performance of their duties and they should not act on instructions of any other person or persons except those of the Divisional Manager, County Council Water Safety Officer, Municipal District Officer, Area Engineer or persons duly authorised. 9. The Beach Lifeguards will be required to keep an “Accident and Incident Record” Book. 10. The Senior Beach Lifeguard at each location will, in addition to carrying out all of the duties, etc., of Beach Guard (including taking full part in any roster arrangements), be responsible for ensuring that the Beach Lifeguards at their location comply fully with the terms of the duties, responsibilities and general regulations of the post. 11. Candidates successful at Interview will be required to undergo Garda Vetting, which will be directly arranged by Cork County Council. Applicants will be required to complete a Garda Vetting Invitation Form and Parental Consent Form (where applicable). 12. You will be required to attend any training arranged by Cork County Council FURTHER DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. To assist with water sampling from Blue Flag Beaches and designated beaches, for the Water Quality Section, Environment Department, at various times over the summer season. 2. To provide constant observation and supervision of activities at public bathing places in order to prevent drowning accidents. 3. To provide emergency rescue service in the case of accidents. 4. Going immediately to the assistance of persons in difficulties in the water and rendering to such persons the necessary attention: To render first aid when possible. 5. To provide advice to the public regarding facilities, state of tides, currents, parts of beach which are not safe for bathing, hazards, water safety etc. To proactively implement this, including but not restricted to, by carrying out Public Relations & Educational patrols during quiet times. 6. If in the Beach Lifeguard’s opinion, bathers are about to enter water at a point which is considered dangerous owing to currents, shifting sands etc., they should immediately warn them and give them reasons. Practice a philosophy of prevention over reaction in carrying out the service. 7. If the bathers are acting in an indecent manner, the Beachguard should bring this fact to the notice of the Garda Siochana at the earliest opportunity. 8. To ensure that from the start of the duty period that the appropriate flags are flown and are changed or re-located as necessary during the day. 9. To inspect all lifesaving and first aid equipment on arrival for duty to ensure that adequate stocks are available and in good working order. 10. To inspect the patrol area and where possible to remove any dangerous or offensive items. If the lifeguard cannot deal with the matter he should immediately report to his supervisor. 11. To record in a daily logbook: a. The names and attendance times of all guards on duty. b. The general weather and tidal conditions. c. What flags were flown and when they were changed during the day. d. Any information which may assist the Authorities in improving the service. 12. To complete all appropriate rescue and first aid forms. 13. To ensure at the conclusion of the duty period each evening that all flags are removed and that all equipment is checked and securely stored in the appropriate place. 14. Except when the beach is empty, the Beach Lifeguard should be on patrol or on look-out outside the hut. The Beach Lifeguard should never be inside the hut except when relieved for meals etc. or when they are certain there is nobody on the beach. They should not allow their concentration to be diverted in conversations with the public or in reading. The primary duty of the Beach Lifeguard is to prevent accident situations from developing. Lifeguard Rescue Equipment should be strategically placed so that it may be used at a moment’s notice. Special vigilance is required where there are rocks or an outflow of a river, as there are likely to be undertows or currents. 15. To ensure that the lifeguard station is kept clean and tidy and in a state of readiness for emergencies. 16. To ensure that except for emergency assistance or official business, no one other than lifeguard personnel is permitted in the lifeguard station. 17. To maintain a high level of fitness, and proficiency in techniques and in the use of equipment. (Sound judgement must be used if training is undertaken during the duty period. Such activities are only permitted in quiet times and then only if sufficient lifeguards are available to supervise the area). 18. To be courteous in all dealings with the public. 19. To ensure that at all times personal conduct is above reproach and that any activity which may discredit the lifeguard service by lessening public confidence or respect, is not engaged in. 20. Punctuality must be observed. Lifeguards should report to their station at least 5 minutes before the shift is due to start so as to be fully attired and ready for duty. 21. No changes in shift schedules or duty periods shall be made without authority and permission of the Water Safety Development Officer or Human Resource Directorate. 22. Uniform dress, as decided by the Local Authority, shall be worn at all times while on duty. It should not be worn off duty or anywhere other than the allocated patrol areas. 23. Lifeguards must at all times be alert. Reading, playing cards, participating in beach games and other such pastimes and the use of any audio equipment is not permitted 24.Unnecessary conversations with the public must be discouraged as laxity in observation on the part of the lifeguard will result. Lifeguards should be courteous when addressed but conversations must be curtailed. 25. Lifeguards on duty and in uniform shall always have in their possession a can buoy or rescue tube, whistle and two-way radio. 26. Where two Beach Lifeguards are on duty on a particular beach – • One Beach Lifeguard shall remain at a vantage point from which a full view of the beach can be had and remain on a constant lookout, • The other Beach Lifeguard shall maintain a patrol of the beach and in such a manner that any give point along the beach is visited at least once in every 15 minutes. • Brief reports should be exchanged when they meet but lifeguards should never be seen to congregate together or with other groups. 27. To Carry out a Beach patrol which shall be maintained along the beach and when the tide is in, the patrol shall be maintained as close as to the beach as possible 28. Only lifeguard personnel are permitted to use any lifesaving or first aid equipment, or any of the facilities of the station, with the exception of back-up services. 29. Lifeguards are not permitted to participate in any commercial operation in their area, i.e. the sale or rental of any equipment or service, etc. 30. If a lifeguard becomes ill or suffers any disability which might impair efficiency he/she must report same immediately to supervisor to arrange for relief guard. 31. Lifeguards should not, in their own interests, make any statements to the news media or to the public on any incident or accident which occurs in their area, but should refer such questions to the Local Authority. 32. No intoxicating drink or unauthorised drugs shall be taken into the lifeguard station, nor be consumed or used by the lifeguard during their period of duty. 33. When requested by the Area Office/Engineer the Beachguards are to assist in opening and closing the public toilets at the start and end of their shift or at an agreed time. The Beachguards are also to report on the condition of the toilets in their Log Books and notify the Area Office in the case of serious uncleanliness or damage. 34. At appropriate times when checking the ring buoys and other safety equipment on the beach the Beachguards would endeavour to pick up any litter while going along the beach, without compromising public safety 35. Beachguards may be required to assist in conducting aquatic events and water safety programs. 36. Beachguards shall carry out all appropriate duties as laid down in the Irish Water Safety Lifeguard Handbook 37. Lifeguards will be required to carry out any other duties required by Cork County Council.

SECTION 3: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA / QUALIFICATIONS A. Recruitment Candidates will be required to undergo a practical test in resuscitation, swimming ability and swimming rescue together with an oral test. Candidates will also be required to attend for an interview which may be face to face or online. Each candidate will be liable for any expenses incurred by him/her in attending for the test and/or interview as applicable. Candidates will also be required to undergo Garda Vetting. Provisional Dates (subject to change): Swim Test: Saturday 22nd March 2025 (Fermoy Swimming Pool) Interview Dates: April 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th and 8th of April 2025 Mandatory Induction Date: Saturday 24 th May Admin, Child Safeguarding, Team Workshops, First Aid, distribution of station keys, uniforms etc. Beach Based Water Skills & on sand scenarios. B. Qualifications 1. Character Each candidate must be of good character. 2. Health Each successful candidate at the practical test and interview who is being considered for appointment may be required to undergo a medical examination at their own expense. On taking up appointment, the expense of the medical examination will be refunded to the candidate. The medical practitioner will be nominated by the Local Authority. Defects reported as a result of this examination in respect of vision or other such matters shall be rectified before appointment. 3. Education, Training, Experience etc. Each candidate must, on the latest date for receipt of completed application forms must: (i) hold a current valid Beach Lifeguard Award from the Irish Water Safety Association or equivalent by 31st May 2025 (ii) have thorough knowledge of resuscitation including Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. (iii) have good verbal communication skills.

The ideal candidate for the position of beach lifeguard shall be able to demonstrate a strong ability in the following areas: • Teamwork o Shows respect for colleagues and supervisors. o Develops and maintains good working relationships with others, sharing information and knowledge, as appropriate. o Offers own ideas and perspectives. o Understands own role in the team, making every effort to play his/her part. • Interpersonal & Communication Skills o Actively listens to others and tries to understand their perspective/requirements/needs. o Understands the steps or processes that customers must go through and can clearly explain these. o Is respectful, courteous and professional, remaining composed, even in challenging circumstances. o Can be firm when necessary and communicate with confidence and authority. o Demonstrates initiative and flexibility in ensuring work is delivered. o Is self reliant and uses judgement on when to ask manager or colleague for guidance. • Specialist Knowledge, Expertise and Self Development o Develops and maintains the skills and expertise required to perform in the role effectively, e.g. First Aid, Basic Life Support, Fitness & Water Safety Skills. o Clearly understands the role, objectives and targets and how they fit into the work of the unit. o Is committed to self-development and continuously seeks to improve personal performance. Senior Beach Lifeguard Candidates should have a minimum 2 years prior experience as a Beach Lifeguard in full season employment.

The ideal candidate for the position of Senior beach lifeguard shall be able to demonstrate a strong ability in the areas outlined above and: • Team Leadership o Works with the team to facilitate high performance, developing clear and realistic objectives and addressing performance issues if they arise. o Provides clear information and advice as to what is required of the team. o Strives to develop and implement new ways of working effectively to meet objectives. o Leads the team by example, coaching and supporting individuals as required. o Places high importance on staff development, training and maximising skills & capacity of team. o Is flexible and willing to adapt, positively contributing to the implementationof change. 4. Age Each Applicant must have reached the age of 18 no later than 15th August 2025 in order to be eligible to apply. Successful applicants must be 18 years of age in order to take up duty.

SECTION 4: TENURE The position is temporary, seasonal, and fulltime, with a part-time relief panel to be formed also.

SECTION 5: WAGES Senior Beach Guard: €18.94 basic per hour Beach Guard: €16.88 basic per hour Rate of remuneration may be adjusted from time to time in line with Government Policy. SECTION 6: LOCATION OF POST Cork County Council reserves the right to assign you to any beach that is guarded by Council Beach Lifeguards, now or in the future. Changes in location of employment will not result in payment of disturbance money or compensation. The person appointed will be required to provide him/herself at his/her own expense with the necessary mode of travel to and from work. Beach Locations: Barleycove, Skibbereen (Tragumna), Rosscarbery (Warren), Owenahincha, Inchydoney, Garretstown, Garrylucas, Fountainstown, Garryvoe, Youghal (Front Strand, Claycastle & Redbarn).

SECTION 7: WORKING HOURS Beach Lifeguards must be on duty from 10.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. with a half hour off for lunch daily: 5½ days each week. Days off are to be operated on a rotational basis, but may not include Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays. The weekly hours of work are subject to change. The Council reserves the right to alter your hours of work from time to time.

SECTION 8: ANNUAL LEAVE Time off outside of normal rostered time off will not be granted to Beach Lifeguards unless the request is for exceptional, extraordinary reasons, and is submitted in writing for approval (by email) at least 2 weeks in advance, or is force majeure (as defined in Parental Leave Act 1998). Employment is for the 2025 Season, and applicants should be available for the entire season. The only exception is where applicants are doing school/college examinations. SECTION 9: TRAINING It is mandatory that you attend the induction day on Saturday 24th May 2025. SECTION 10: SEASON DUTY 2025 Season Duty 2025 comprises of the following: • Each weekend (Saturday & Sunday) in May/June commencing on Saturday, 31st May 2025 (June Bank Holiday Weekend, including the Bank Holiday Monday 2nd June, 2025) • Full-time work commencing on Tuesday 1st July , until Sunday, 31st August 2025, both dates inclusive • Weekends only in September - Saturday 6th, 7th & 13th, 14th September 2025. - Accommodation arrangements must be made by the individual Beach Lifeguard. Please note Cork County Council will not provide same at any location.

SECTION 11: GARDA VETTING Where the Council consider it necessary, successful candidates will be subject to Garda Vetting in advance of appointment to the position.

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