Adult Education Guidance Counsellor
Fáilteoidh Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna na Gaillimhe agus Ros Comáin (GRETB) roimh iarratais ó dhaoine atá cáilithe go cuí don phost seo a leanas:
Treoirchomhairleoir d’Aosaigh
Folúntais Láithreach
- Post Buan x 1
- Post Sealadach x 1 (Conradh 2 Bhliain)
Cáilíochtaí Riachtanach:
- Bunchéim agus Dioplóma Iarchéime i nGairmthreoir, nó Treoir Gairme agus Comhairleoireacht nó Máistreacht san Oideachas (Treoir) nó Máistreacht san Eolaíocht i gComhairleoireacht nó a choibhéis cáilíochta iarchéime atá aitheanta ag an Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy nó ag Institiúid na dTreoirchomhairleoirí;
Déan tagairt le do thoil don leabhrán eolais chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil
Galway & Roscommon Education & Training Board (GRETB) invites applications from suitably qualified individuals wishing to be considered for the following positions:
- Adult Education Guidance Counsellor
Immediate Vacancies:
Permanent Post x 1
Temporary Post x 1 (2 year contract)
Essential Qualifications:
- A primary degree and a Post Graduate Diploma in Careers Guidance or Careers Guidance and Counselling or a Masters of Education (Guidance) or a Master of Science in Counselling or equivalent post graduate qualification recognised by the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy or the Institute of Guidance Counsellors.
Further information is available in the attached Information Booklet.
The closing date for applications is Monday the 23rd of September 2024
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