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Administrative Officer

Carlow County CouncilCarlow€57,675 - €74,978 per yearFull-time

QUALIFICATIONS – POST OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Essential Criteria Local Authority Sector/Confined - Panel A & B (a) Be a serving employee of a local authority or a regional assembly and have at least two years satisfactory experience in a post of Clerical Officer or analogous post.

Character Each candidate shall be of good character.

Health Each candidate must be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.

Education, Training, Experience Each candidate must, on the latest date for receipt of completed application forms - 1. Have obtained at least Grade D (or a Pass), in Higher or Ordinary Level, in five subjects (or four subjects if Irish is included) from the approved list of subjects in the Department of Education Established Leaving Certificate Examination or Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme including Irish and/or English and one of the following: Mathematics, Accounting, Business Organisation or Economics, and 2. Have obtained at least Grade C (or Honours) in higher level (or Honours) papers in three subjects in that examination (or two subjects if Irish and/or one of the following is included: Mathematics, Accounting, Business Organisation or Economics) or 3. Have obtained a comparable standard in an equivalent examination, or 4. Hold a third level qualification of at least degree standard.

Citizenship: Candidates must, by the date of any job offer, be: a) A citizen of the European Economic Area (EEA). The EEA consists of the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway; or b) A citizen of the United Kingdom (UK); or c) A citizen of Switzerland pursuant to the agreement between the EU and Switzerland on the free movement of persons; or d) A non-EEA citizen who is a spouse or child of an EEA or UK or Swiss citizen and has a stamp 4 visa: or e) A person awarded international protection under the International Protection Act 2015, or any family member entitled to remain in the State as a result of family reunification and has a stamp 4 visa or f) A non-EEA citizen who is a parent of a dependent child who is a citizen of, and resident in, an EEA member state or the UK or Switzerland and has a stamp 4 visa

Driving Licence: The holder of the post MUST hold a full driving licence for Class B vehicles free from endorsement/disqualification. When required to do so, holders of office shall drive a motor car in the course of their duties and for this purpose provide and maintain a car to the satisfaction of the local authority. If you are required to travel as part of your official duties, Carlow County Council as your employer must be indemnified on your insurance policy. Travelling expenses and subsistence expenses necessarily incurred in the course of official duties will be refunded in accordance with appropriate rates in line with the relevant Department Circulars and Carlow County Council’s Traveland Subsistence Policy. If during your employment, your licence is revoked, even temporarily, or if you receive endorsements on your licence, which may affect your duties, you are obliged to notify the Council immediately.

NOTE: A copy of relevant examination results should be included with your application in order to determine your eligibility for this post.

The Role of the Administrative Officer The Administrative Officer is a middle management supervisory position in Carlow County Council and is assigned responsibility for the development, management and day to day operations of one or more departments or services within the Council. The Administrative Officer is the primary point of contact and liaison with other sections in relation to service delivery for their area of responsibility. The Administrative Officer is also a contributor to the strategic and policy making decisions of the Council and will be expected to contribute to the development and implementation of forward thinking strategies within the local authority and to work closely with senior management, elected representatives, external agencies and relevant stakeholders in delivering services to the highest standard. The Administrative Officer may represent the Council on committees and at meetings and may be asked to report on progress in their respective section(s) at Council meetings, Municipal District meetings, Strategic Policy Committee meetings etc.

The Administrative Officer is responsible for the efficient management, direction and deployment of resources for the department or service to which they are assigned and will generally work as part of a multi-disciplinary team within one of the Council’s Directorates to deliver a broad and diverse range of services. These may include planning, economic and enterprise development, community and social development, housing, recreation, amenity and cultural services, environmental services, transportation and infrastructure, and emergency services.

The ideal candidate shall: • Have knowledge of the structure and functions of local government, of current local government issues, future trends and strategic direction of local government and an understanding of the role of Administrative Officer in this context • Have an understanding of organisational policies and implementation of such policies, as applicable to a public body

• Have a strong sense of commitment to delivering quality public services and be willing to take on a challenge • Be highly motivated and have excellent interpersonal and communications skills; • Have an ability to foster and maintain productive working relationships within the organisation and with relevant stakeholders externally • Be capable of working in close co-operation with the elected Council, the Strategic Policy Committees and other Council Departments while being able to seek co-operation and consensus from a wide range of bodies and representative groups • Be able to work within, and where necessary lead, multi-disciplined teams and have the ability to motivate, empower and encourage employees to achieve maximum performance • Have the ability to plan and prioritise work effectively, to work under pressure to tight deadlines and to take a strategic approach in the formulation and delivery of key policy objectives • Have a career record that demonstrates a high level of competence in the management of staff, including managing performance • Demonstrate relevant administrative experience at a sufficiently high level • Demonstrate experience of managing staff working under Service Level Agreements and to Key Performance Indicators • Demonstrate experience utilising project management software (e.g. Microsoft Project, TeamWorks Projects) and utilizing business process mapping software (e.g. Microsoft Visio) • Have the ability to manage financial resources within a budgetary control framework • Have good knowledge and awareness of Health and Safety Legislation and Regulations, the implications for the organisation and the employee, the role and duties of managers, and the application of safety management in the workplace

The main duties and responsibilities of the role of Administrative Officer (Grade VII) include but are not limited to the following: - • Managing one or more sections or departments within the Council and implementing the strategic and policy making decisions of the local authority • Ensuring that section or department work programmes are implemented to deliver on the Council’s strategies and objectives for the overall development of the County outlined in various corporate plans and strategies • Identifying opportunities for improvements in the service delivery within the relevant area of responsibility and to use key performance indicators or other performance indicators effectively as appropriate • Initiating, development and delivering relevant projects and work and evaluating their success relevant to various strategies and plans • Preparation of budgets and responsibility for the day to day financial management of capital and operational expenditure in the department or section, including maximising funding opportunities where appropriate and ensuring all available funding is availed of, drawn down and recouped within appropriate time frames • Managing and supervising employees in supporting roles up to the position/grade of Senior Staff Officer (Grade VI) or analogous grades, including assigning duties and workload • Providing on-going support to employees in the department or section, including handling day to day problems and identifying training and development requirements as appropriate • Ensuring full compliance with all organisational policies and procedures including grievance and disciplinary, performance management and attendance management. Communicating and liaising effectively with employees, managers in other sections, senior managers, customers and elected representatives in relation to operational matters for their section • Researching, analysing, disseminating and communicating essential information on specific issues and policies as appropriate • Compiling, preparing and presenting reports as necessary, including the preparation of reports or letters, which may be sensitive and/or confidential in nature • Ensuring that department or section operations are in compliance with all Council policies, procedures, practices and standards and in compliance with the principles of good governance, legislative requirements and Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government circulars and guidance • Implementing good practices with transparent reporting and communications to deliver accountable services in the department or section • Providing assistance in the understanding and interpretation of the Council’s policies and procedures to employees in their area of responsibility and to customers as appropriate • Promoting awareness of the local authority’s policies and activities on community, social, economic and infrastructure development • Carrying out duties in a manner that enhances public trust and confidence and ensures impartial decision making • Developing and maintaining a productive working relationship with all external agencies, bodies, elected representatives and committee members, including appropriate information provision and assistance when required • Promoting co-ordination and integration of service delivery between local government, voluntary, public sector and local development bodies operating within the local authority area, especially in relation to cross-sectoral interests, community and business interests • Assisting from time to time with the development, implementation and review of appropriate strategies/plans/policies for the development of the local authority area which may include relevant research, consultation and interaction with the statutory, local development and social partners • Representing the local authority on committees and at meetings, including Council, Municipal District and Strategic Policy Committee meetings and reporting on progress in his or her respective section or department • Organising and facilitating internal and external meetings and participating and engaging indiscussions as appropriate • Supporting the Council and Municipal District operations • Carrying out duties in a politically neutral manner, with a clear understanding of the political reality and context of the local authority • Providing specialist administrative assistance and support in the delivery of projects as required • Managing and implementing Health and Safety for the section or department • Deputising for the Senior Executive Officer or analogous grade as required • Undertaking any other duties of a similar level and responsibility, as may be required, or assigned, from time to time COMPETENCY BEHAVIOURS Management & Change • Mission and Vision • Strategic Ability • Standards Ethics and Governance • Networking and Representing • Bringing about Change • Influencing and Negotiating • Safety Health & Welfare at Work

Delivering Results

• Problem solving and decision making • Operational Planning • Managing Resources • Ensuring Compliance • Delivering quality outcomes

Performance through People • Leading and Motivating • Building effective teams and managing performance • Managing conflict • Ability to develop and maintain productive relationships with all customers and stakeholders

Personal Effectiveness • Strong verbal and written communication skills • Initiative & Creativity • Resilience and personal wellbeing • Commitment to integrity and good public service values • Maintains a positive and constructive and enthusiastic attitude to their role

Relevant Knowledge & Experience • Knowledge and understanding of the Local Authority and the services it provides • Knowledge and awareness of key topical and priority issues • Opinions on future local government issues and initiatives

Particulars of Post The Post The post is permanent whole-time and pensionable. The post holder shall not engage in any gainful occupation, other than as an employee of a local authority, to such an extent as to impair the performance of his or her duties as an employee of a local authority or in any occupation which might conflict with the interests of the local authority or which might be inconsistent with the discharge of his/her duties as a local authority employee.

Health For the purposes of satisfying the requirement as to health it will be necessary for each successful candidate, before he/she is appointed, to undergo a medical examination by a qualified medical practitioner to be nominated by the local authority.

Location of post Carlow County Council reserves the right to assign the post holder to any council premises, now or in the future subject to reasonable notice. Changes in location of employment will not result in payment of disturbance money or other compensation. The person appointed will be required to provide him/herself at his/her own expense with the necessary mode of travel to and from work.

Working Hours The working hours at present provide for a five day, thirty-five hour working week, hours may vary from time to time. Carlow County Council operate a Flexi Time Scheme with an earliest start time of 8.30am and a latest start time of 10.00am; an earliest finishing time of 4.30pm and a latest finishing time of 18.00pm with a lunch break consisting of a minimum of 30 minutes to a maximum of 2 hours which must be taken between 12.30pm and 14.30pm. A copy of the Flexi Leave Scheme is available, on request. There may be a requirement to work outside of normal hours, including at weekends, as necessary from time to time for which Time in Lieu on a time for time basis will apply. No additional remunertation/overtime will be paid in respect of such activities. All hours of work will be subject to and recorded in accordance with the provisions of the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997 and the Organisation of Working Time Act (Regulations) 2001.

Probation Where persons who are not already permanent employees of a local authority are appointed, the following provisions shall apply: (a) there shall be a period after such appointment takes effect during which such persons shall hold such position on probation, (b) such period shall be twelve months, but the Chief Executive may at his or her discretion extend such period, (c) such persons shall cease to hold such position at the end of the period of probation unless during such period the Chief Executive has certified that the service of such persons is satisfactory, (d) the period at (a) above may be terminated on giving one week’s notice as per the Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts, (e) there will be assessments during the probationary period.

Residence The holder of the office shall reside in the district in which his/her duties are to be performed or within a reasonable distance, thereof.

Remuneration The salary shall be fully inclusive and shall be as determined from time to time. The holder of the office shall pay to the local authority any fees or other monies (other than his/her inclusive salary) payable to and received by him/her by virtue of his/her office or in respect of services which he/she is required by or under any enactment to perform.

The salary scale for the post of Administrative Officer (Circular Letter EL 02/2024) is: €57,675, €59,086, €60,734, €62,387, €64,040, €65,517, €67,030, €68,494, €69,956, €72,460 (LSI1) and €74,978 (LSI2) gross per annum.

Entry point to this scale will be determined in accordance with Circulars issued by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. In accordance with Departmental Circular Letter EL.02/2020, a person who is not a serving local authority employee on or after 1st January 2011 will enter the scale for the position at the minimum point. Rate of remuneration may be adjusted from time to time in line with Government Policy.

References Applicants are required to advise the names of two responsible persons to whom they are well known but not related (at least one of the referees should be an existing or former employer). In advance of any offer of employment, Louth County Council reserves the right to seek both written and verbal references from current and previous employers, educational institutions or any other organisations with which the candidate has been associated. The Council reserves the right to determine the merit, appropriateness and relevance of such references and referees.

Vetting Garda vetting is required for certain roles within Carlow County Council. Failure to complete a Garda vetting form on request may prevent your employment with Carlow County Council. In the event of an unsatisfactory Garda declaration being received Carlow County Council reserves the right not to commence employment. In the event of an existing employee changing role as a result of promotion or otherwise to a role that requires Garda Vetting and an unsatisfactory disclosure being returned, Carlow County Council reserves the right to withhold promotion, and also to investigate if further sanction/disciplinary action is warranted on foot of disclosure on a case by case basis.

Annual Leave: The current annual leave entitlement is 30 days. Granting of annual leave, payment for annual leave and arrangement for public holidays will be governed by the provisions of the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997 (as amended).

Sick Leave: The terms of the Public Service Sick Pay Scheme will prevail.

Training: It is a condition of employment that successful candidates will be required to participate in training programmes relevant to the skills necessary for the performance of the duties attaching to the post and to attend all mandatory training.

Health & Safety: The holder of the post shall co-operate with the terms of Carlow County Council’s Safety Statement and Major Emergency Plan. It is a condition of employment that the successful candidate will be required to participate in training programmes relevant to the skills necessary for the performance of the duties attaching to the post. He/She shall familiarise him/herself with the safety rules and procedures and make proper use of all safety, clothing and equipment. Failure to comply with the terms of the Safety Statement may result in a disciplinary action.

Use of Modern Technology The successful candidate will be required to use all equipment provided, including computers, hand held terminals, mobile telephone, electronic equipment, video or other monitoring equipment and any other new technology which may be introduced in the future.

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