Administration Assistant
Tenure of Employment
The post is a permanent full time post (70 hours per fortnight). Compulsory Retirement age is 70-years.
Qualifications and Experience
The appointee should have:
(a) A secretarial qualification or equivalent.
(b) Excellent typing skills, data entry and demonstrate proficiencies in Microsoft office – Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Teams.
(c) At least 3 years administrative experience to discharge the functions of the post in a satisfactory matter is essential. Experience in a similar setting would be an advantage.
(d) Effective communication, inter-personal, and team working skills.
(e) Excellent organisational and co-ordination skills.
(f) Ability to maintain a high level of confidentiality.
(g) Commitment to teamwork.
(h) Confident, interested and enthusiastic and possess a friendly and positive approach to people supported by the services and staff.
(i) Ability to be flexible and work on your own initiative.
Salary Scale (Clerical Grade IV):
€34,256; €36,367; €37,215; €39,356; €41,317; €43,033; €44,694; €46,935; €48,563; €50,202; €50,202; €50,202; €51,733; €51,733; €51,733; €53,304
All new entrants to the Public Service will start at the first point of this scale
Successful candidates are required to submit all documentary evidence outlining any relevant experience within 3 months of your starting date. Failure to produce this will mean that you will receive any incremental credit (if applicable) from the date of submission of documents.
The successful candidate will be required to undergo a medical examination by the Organisation’s Occupational Health Physician.
Working Hours
Starting and finishing times will be notified to you by the Office Manager.
The general duties of the appointment are as described in the attached Job Description.
A short list of candidates to attend before the Selection Board will be prepared by the selection Board from an examination of statements of qualifications furnished by the candidates.
The Line Manager will notify the successful candidate of the mandatory/compulsory courses/training which employees are obliged to attend. Mandatory training, for example, manual handling, health and safety courses etc., form part of the conditions of employment along with the Organisation’s statutory obligation.
Note re Canvassing
Any attempt by candidates themselves or by any person(s) acting at their instigation directly or indirectly, by means of written communication or otherwise to canvass or otherwise influence in the candidates favour any member of the staff of Belmont Park or person nominated to interview or examine applicants, will automatically disqualify the candidate for the position they are seeking.
Reports to: Office Manager or such other authorised person as the Employing Authority may designate
Accountable to: Director of Services
The Congregation of the Brothers of Charity is a religious voluntary organisation, founded in 1807 by Canon Peter Trieste, to provide a Christian response to a variety of needs in society.
The core values of our services have always been the dignity and humanity of each person. How these are expressed has evolved over time with our greater understanding of the rights of all people with a disability, with the changing hopes and expectations of the individuals and families with whom we work, and with the growing expertise of all associated with our services.
The post holder will be required to take an active part in ensuring that the day-to-day operations of the Service reflect the ethos and vision of the Brothers of Charity Services and that all co-workers are meeting the needs of the people who use services therein.
The person appointed should have the ability to participate proactively as a member of a team and contribute positively to the ongoing development of effective teamwork.
The person appointed will work with the multidisciplinary team with primary responsibility for reception. The person appointed will also assist the multidisciplinary team with a variety of tasks.
Subject to the agreed policies and procedures of the Brothers of Charity Services Ireland South East Region and under the direction of the Office Manager (and under the guidance of the Heads of both the Psychology and Social Work Departments) and the person appointed shall: -
Advocacy and Rights
1. Respect each individual supported by the Services as an equal citizen.
2. Uphold and respect the human, legal and constitutional rights of each individual supported by the Services, recognising their individuality and equality, and empowering them to grow, thereby achieving the highest possible level of personal autonomy.
Administrative Duties
3. Operate the switchboard in the Multidisciplinary Centre, Lisduggan Lodge with regard to incoming and outgoing calls.
4. Report and log any breakdown or disruption of systems and the switchboard.
5. Ensure the efficient running of the Reception Area and maintain the staff and visitor log.
6. Direct persons attending clinics, families and visitors to the appropriate Departments and monitor the Reception Area when clinics are in progress.
7. Act as a facilitator for families. Keeping members of the Multidisciplinary Team informed of when visitors arrive for appointment and ensure efficient running of clinics.
8. Participate in and contribute to the administrative function of the Multidisciplinary Team.
9. Provide general secretarial and administrative support to the Multidisciplinary Team, primarily the Psychology, Social Work and Medical Departments.
10. Plan and organise the Diaries, Clinical Schedules and Duty Rosters for the Psychology Department and Social Work Department.
11. Maintain a log of when Behaviour Support Plans, Psychology Support Plans, Dementia Support Plans, etc. are due for review and inform team members.
12. Maintain a log of Social Work Referrals, INHs, Homeshare Service, etc.
13. Liaise with the relevant personnel in Statutory and Voluntary Organisations within Waterford City and County in relation to clinic schedules for the Psychology Department and the Social Work Department.
14. Forward quarterly clinic schedules for the Psychology and Social Work Departments to the Director of Services.
15. Arrange and process clinic appointments for the Multidisciplinary Team as directed.
16. Organise and minute meetings as required and complete audio typing / dictations for the Psychology, Social Work and Medical Departments.
17. Receive, prepare and circulate reports, agenda, notices, correspondence, action lists, Minutes of Meetings, other documentation and information as directed.
18. Prepare monthly clinic accounts for the Psychology Department and Social Work Department for relevant clinical and assessment work and forward these to the Health Service Executive in Waterford and to Carriglea Cairde Services in Dungarvan. Forward a copy of all accounts to the Central Accounts Department, Belmont Park.
19. Liaise and work with the Medical and Social Work Departments, the offices of the Director of Services, Management Teams, AMT, Working Groups and other organisations, as required.
20. Prepare time and attendance reports per pay period for certification by the Head of Psychology Department and Head of Social Work Department. Input Multidisciplinary Team timesheets onto the SIMS programme and forward documentation to the Regional Services Manager.
21. Prepare invoices and maintain a log in relation to same.
22. Prepare such records as required from time to time by the Administrative Budget Holder.
23. Ensure the prudent and efficient working of the mail, inwards and outwards, including prompt distribution of post, sorting, franking and posting on a daily basis.
24. Maintain petty cash for postages and maintain up-to-date accounts on a monthly basis.
25. Ensure that clinical records are maintained in the secure filing area when not in use and the proper procedures are adhered to the removal and return of files.
26. Ensure security and access to filing area, sorting and keeping records of files for archiving purposes as directed by the Office Manager.
27. Maintain the filing area as directed by the Office Manager.
28. Process documentation for the OLIS electronic records system as directed by the Office Manager.
29. Coordinate use of the Conference Room and keep a detailed diary of such use.
30. Coordinate use of specialised office equipment, keeping a detailed diary of such use. Ensure equipment is maintained in suitable working order and report any defects to the Office Manager.
31. As a member of the Administration Team, have a high level of flexibility, be prepared to help out with the general work of the Team and be prepared to deputise for others, as required.
32. Comply with obligations under the Data Protection Legislation and Freedom of Information Act.
33. To ensure and maintain the efficient running of the kitchen area in the absence of household staff.
34. Attend and participate fully in regular staff meetings where all aspects of the service area are discussed with a view to maintaining high standards.
35. Promote open communication among staff and good levels of staff morale.
36. Develop and participate fully with the implementation of a Team Based Performance Management approach to achieving the goals of the Services’ strategic plan.
37. Develop and maintain good working relationships with Statutory and Voluntary organisations locally and nationally.
38. Ensure that good and respectful communications and relationships are developed and maintained with;
a) all individuals supported by the services and their families
b) all staff members within the organisation,
c) visitors, volunteers and other such personnel who visit service areas,
d) customers/purchasers of products produced.
Training and Development
39. Attend and contribute appropriately at lectures, courses and meetings, as required, and share information and knowledge gained with colleagues.
40. Be responsible for identifying personal training and development needs and communicating them to the Office Manager.
41. Attend mandatory training courses and achieve required standard.
Health and Safety
42. Be conscious of health and safety matters in the work place and in particular to comply with employees’ obligations as set out in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005 and to ensure that the procedures set out in the Safety Statement are implemented at all times.
43. Carry out quarterly safety audits and fire drills as directed by the Office Manager.
44. Be conversant with existing fire regulations and emergency procedures and coordinate the implementation of this e.g. calling emergency service, fire detection, evacuation and participate in in-service fire and health and safety training as required.
45. Ensure equipment is properly operated and maintained.
46. Report accidents/irregularities or other matters of safety concern to the Office Manager or such person as the Employing Authority may designate.
47. Identify risk, assess and document appropriately, keeping the Office Manager informed of any irregularities.
48. Be aware of and become familiar with security procedures relating to the premises and ensure Reception and other entrance/exits are secured as required at the end of each working day.
Employees are expected to have a high level of flexibility and a willingness and ability to develop new approaches to their work. Duties and responsibilities of any post in the Services are likely to change with the ongoing needs and developments of the Services. Employees will therefore be required to carry out such other duties appropriate to their employment as may be assigned to him/her from time to time.
In the course of the employment the post holder may have access to, or hear information concerning the medical or personal affairs of individuals who are supported by the Services and/or staff, or other health service business. Such records and information are strictly confidential and unless acting on the instructions of an authorised officer, on no account must information concerning individuals supported by the service, staff, or other health service business be divulged or discussed except in the performance of normal duty. In addition records must never be left in such a manner that unauthorised persons can obtain access to them and must be kept in safe custody when no longer required.
· Leaving Certificate or equivalent – 5 passes (including Maths and English)
· Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Teams
· Post Leaving Cert qualification relevant to the post
· Three year’s relevant administrative and clerical experience
· Planning and organising appointments and work schedules
· Accounts procedures
· Proficient in Dictaphone typing
· Knowledge of the Brothers of Charity Services Ethos
· Health and Safety, Fire and Security procedures
· A clear understanding of confidentiality
· Good organisational skills
· Team Person
· Computer and Competency Test
· Excellent communication skills with an ability to communicate successfully and sensitively with people who use Services, families, staff and outside agencies
Other requirements
· Honest and trustworthy
· Friendly and co-operative
· Energetic and enthusiastic
· Appreciation of the needs of people with intellectual disabilities
· Flexible and adaptable to change
· Ability to multitask at busy times and for specific events organised by the department
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