Employers  / Way of Working - Post COVID

Way of Working - Post COVID

As we all know we are working and hiring in a very different world than prior to the outbreak of COVID-19 and there’s no rulebook for this kind of stuff. We have to find ways of managing, keeping the lights on and hiring when we need to replace or hire additional staff. Here’s just a few tips on how to manage and hire during this challenging time.

Maintaining a Safe Workplaces

As businesses and offices open back up it will be important to show both new and existing employees that you have health & safety guidelines in place to ensure that they remain safe at work. Exposure to Covid-19 may present a health risk to workers and other persons at a workplace. Employers are advised to follow the latest public health advice and identify and implement suitable control measures to mitigate the risk of Covid-19 infection in the workplace. Latest public health advice can be found here

Job Descriptions

You may want to insert a footnote in job descriptions conveying your organisations Covid-19 health and safety measures. It could read something like; “We are putting our employees health and safety first and have installed socially distanced office cubicles and mandatory temperature checks along with other measures to ensure we can all work safely at this time.”

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