13 Jan 2021

This Storm will Pass

Mind yourself during lockdown. Hopefully the following tips will help;

- Remember you can only try your best, this is new to us all. We are all learning as we go.

- Properly disconnect if and when you can, switch off devices unless they’re really necessary. 

- Take a walk, without the phone.

- Check in with family, friends and work colleagues now and then, just to just ask how they are.

- If you get any spare time wrap yourself in a warm blanket and read a book.

- Make sure to do something fun each day, if you have a pet play fetch with them, if you have children why not play a board game or teach them how to play cards.

- Breath - try the Wim Hof method – for breathing exercises.

- Get in the sea/lake or take a cold shower to reset the mind.

- Develop a night routine before bed - 1 hour before bedtime no screens (TV, phone), stretch, meditate, read fiction (hardback).

- To also help with sleep, cut out caffeine for a couple of days and see can you notice a difference.

Remember this storm will pass

      Graphic: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse - Charlie Mackesy

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