Free Jobseeker Guide
At JobAlert.ie we are passionate about helping Jobseekers. We have put all our experience together to create the Ultimate Guide. This information service is completely FREE OF CHARGE. We really hope you find it useful.
Have a Professional CV / Resume
Don’t sell yourself short, make sure your CV truly reflects the person you are. Having a professional CV will give you the very best chance. We have devised templates that will help you to do that, but that will also help to get your application through automated screening software applications that some companies use.
It’s also important that you customise your CV for each job application. We have created the following CV resources that will help you do this;
Advice and Tips on Creating a CV – Click Here
The Complete Guide to Create your CV and a CV Template that you can Customise with professional phrases to describe your Skills & Competencies – Click Here
Cover Letters
Always customise cover letters to suit the job you are applying for. It will make you stand out from the crowd and give you the very best chance of being successful.
We have prepared tips and cover letter templates for various different scenarios such as changing your career, coming straight out of college and explaining an employment gap. To find out more CLICK HERE
No Experience / No Problem
Don’t worry if you are just starting off, we have lots of tips that will help you to land a job HERE.
Perfect Phrases and Key Words for CVs and Interviews
We have prepared perfect phrases and key words that will help you to build the perfect CV and cover letters. Reading over these phrases will also help you to prepare answers to common interview questions. CLICK HERE
Treat your Job Search like a Job - Take an Organised Approach
Take your job search seriously, if you treat it like a job by setting time out each day, you will increase your chances of finding success. In this section we also show you how to set up Job Alerts on JobAlert.ie, so you never miss an opportunity. Read more HERE
Network / Networking
Use your network, tell people you are searching. Reaching out to people you know is a very powerful tool when looking for a job. Most people will be more than willing to help. Check out our section on the importance of Networking and how to do it successfully HERE.
Update and perfect your Linkedin Profile. We have prepared a whole section on how to use Linkedin to your best advantage when looking for a new job. Check out more HERE
Sign up for Alerts
Sign up for Job Alerts with JobAlert.ie and other career pages, it will help to keep you informed when new jobs are added. On our platform it's really easy to set up Job Alerts - you just follow the instructions below;
From the Search Bar HERE just run a search using your preferred keywords, titles, or company name and location and press enter. You will see a list of current vacancies and on the right hand side a little box saying “Turn on alerts for this search”, click the button below to switch an alert on.
You will then be prompted to enter your email address. You can set up many different Job Alerts using various search options if you like.
You will receive an email each time a new job is uploaded matching the criteria you have selected, so you never miss that perfect job. You can unsubscribe from job alerts at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button within the emails or as detailed in our terms and conditions in your account. It's so quick and easy!
Transferable Skills
It’s NOT always possible for recruiters to find candidates that have experience or education in a particular field within the same type of working environment, so many recruiters will consider candidates that have transferable skills. These are the skills and experience that people have, that with additional training will allow them to successfully work in another role or industry. So basically it will also help recruiters to find suitable staff. Read more HERE
Always prepare and rehearse for Interviews. Check out our extensive Interview Sections below;
Preparing for Interviews, sample questions and answers included
Negotiating Salary
Don’t sell yourself short, check out our section on negotiating your salary. Figuring out how to get the best possible salary without jeopardising the opportunity or coming across as cheeky has got to be one of the most difficult things to do. Read our tips below;
Negotiating Salary for a New Job
Negotiating your Salary while in a Job
Choosing a Career
In this section, we look at making career choices. Read more HERE
Making a Career Change
It’s never too late to make a career change. You will know yourself when the time is right. Maybe you’re dreading Mondays and at times this dread could be consistent throughout the week. Life’s too short – make changes. In this section we look at 7 steps you can take to successfully change your career path. Read more HERE
Trying to Negotiate Flexible Working Arrangements
Now that most people have had a taste of flexible working and working from home, it’s only obvious that some people would like to have some flexibility going forward. In this section, we look at how you can successfully negotiate a solution. Read more HERE
Building up your Confidence – when Self Doubt Steps In
In a large survey conducted in Ireland, 51% of Irish workers admitted having ‘a lack of confidence’ when it came to applying for a new job. 42% ‘thought they didn’t have strong enough experience, while 18% ‘stated that they are scared of rejection and failure’. In this section we look at the barriers this presents and how to deal with it - read the full article HERE
10 Behaviours that Lead to Success
In this section we list 10 behaviours that require little talent, yet have a huge impact on your job hunt. Check out the list HERE
How to Bounce Back after an Unsuccessful Interview
Sometimes it can be difficult to recover from unsuccessful interviews, particularly when you have invested so much time and effort going through the process. No matter how talented you are, remember it’s all a bit of a lottery. In this section we give advice on how to keep strong and keep going. Read more HERE
Avail of Local Job Centre and Government Supports
Contact your local Government Job Services, they have a lot of supports, training and up skilling opportunities on offer, particularly now following the impact of Covid on certain industries. Read more about this HERE
Best of Luck with your job search, we really hope that we have been of some help to you.
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