Tips on how you can be kind to yourself over Christmas & New Year
2020, the year of Lockdowns, adjusting to working from home, losing jobs, losing loved ones, home schooling, staying away from family and friends, travel plans dashed. It’s affected us all differently – but one thing for sure is that none of us have escaped being impacted in some way or other.
During the Christmas break it could be a great time to disconnect, recharge the batteries and take time out for yourself.
Hopefully the following tips will help;
- Properly disconnect, switch off devices unless they’re really necessary.
- Take a walk, without the phone.
- Only send crucial messages or emails to your staff or work colleagues.
- Wrap yourself in a warm blanket and read a book.
- Bake cookies.
- Que the music – line up all your favourites.
- Play a board game.
- Put on your favourite Christmas Movie.
- Breath - try the Wim Hof method – for breathing exercises.
- Get in the sea/lake or take a cold shower to reset the mind.
- Develop a night routine before bed - 1 hour before bedtime no screens (TV, phone), stretch, meditate, read fiction (hardback).
- To also help with sleep, cut out caffeine for a couple of days and see can you notice a difference.
Whatever you decide to do, have a wonderful break this Christmas, keep the spirits up and hopefully 2021 will be kinder to us all.
Mind yourself, Love from the JobAlert.ie Team