Choosing a Career
Choosing a Career
Normally people start thinking about their career in secondary school, but it can be extremely tricky to know what you want to do at that age. Unfortunately you will need to make decisions relating to subjects that early, as you may need to have the high exam results in those subjects to be able to continue onto further education in that field.
Be sure to choose something that you think you will enjoy. As the old saying goes, “choose a career that you will love and you will never work a day in your life”. Due to the fact that we have to make decisions very early on, it can result in many people being unhappy with their choice later. Remember though, that it’s never too late to change your career path. Regardless of what subjects you did in your school exams you may be able to return to college as a mature student and fulfil any dreams that you have.
Choosing a Job
We need to earn to live, so while we may not be able to find our ideal job immediately, it’s important to work at something. Working allows us to build up our confidence levels, experience and network of people – all of which will help in our future careers. Having a varied career also allows us to have different experiences, which will help us to determine what we like and what we don’t.
Additional Supports
There are many resources on-line that will help with regard to choosing a career. Careers Portal is a particularly good resource. It covers areas such as; Careers in different sectors, Courses, Colleges, Apprenticeships and is a great resource for; Students, Parents, Jobseekers, Career Counsellors, Adult Learners and Graduates - CLICK HERE
Here's an interesting article on choosing a career; "Have a passion that you think could be your career?" CLICK HERE
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